May 24, 2011
Do they know me China?
Did I ever mention that my cookbook was translated into Chinese?
< < Here’s the cover.
I don’t know if that’s my name at the top or not.
But those are the recipe photos I took.
The printing, especially the photos, look pretty bad. I’m guessing the children making it weren’t tall enough to run the press properly!
Do they know me in China?
Probably not.
Here’s the original cover with my picture on it  > > > >
You don’t see me on the Chinese cover.
It looks like they anticipated better sales with a quesedilla than my face!

The Chinese, quesadillas, and Canadians; oh my! đ
LOL I also loved the children weren’t tall enough! Sucks your photo wasn’t on the cover but that quesadilla does look good and how great is it to have something you wrote published in multiple languages!
To quote your audience, “you go girl!!” lol
Jenny, here’s your name in chinese!! đ įŽäŊä¸æį
I hope it comes through, I copied and pasted it from Yahoo Babel Fish.
Very funny post !!
Sue đ
In the words of REBA (comedy series) Craaaaapppp!!! If you right click on the incripted squares it should take you to the chinese spelling. I have your cook book in American ofcourse and we love it!! My favorite desert is the lemon bars! Yum! Off till Tuesday, enjoying some relaxation!!
You funny girl, Jenny – “children weren’t tall enough” LOL! đ
(sad, but probably true) đ
I like the American book better. I think they should have had a picture of you on there some where. The photos in your book with your picture on it looks a heck of a lot better. They must have copied them or something. Who knows maybe the book is selling in China as they made it…
Oh and Jenny if you click the China one your name is there under the broccoli photo in English and I’m guessing Chinese too, AND if you click to enlarge the photo you can really see it…
I don’t think the letters on the front is your name. You have me wondering now what it says…hmmmm