Dec 23, 2010

I need more sandbags

All I want for Christmas is… more sandbags. 

Geez! Give us a break! It finally stopped raining today (for now) and the hill behind our house is still there so we’re luckier than some people around here.  We have sandbags along the back patio just in case, and we could use some more along the side for the next rain. That’s coming on Sunday. I went out to the back yard to check on the hill behind us and I saw this buck eating my grass. “Get out! Go away!” I kept yelling at him. “Stop eating the grass – you’ll expose the mud and cause as landslide!” The grass may be the only thing holding that saturated hill together!  He glanced up & kept eating.

Oh, a reminder if you’re making turkey dinner, don’t forget my recipe for fresh cranberries. It’s posted on the Recipes page.

I’ll be making a “petite” roast turkey just for two of us with mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy,  green beans, cranberries, and deep dish pumpkin pie.  

Then cookies. Lots of cookies.

The rain sucks but there is one bright spot. I went to the mall this morning for one last minute thing and found parking! Hand to God.

(update – 4 hours later

Remember when I said my hill was fine?

Look at the size of the boulder that just came down!

Good news: It didn’t hit the house.

Bad news: It missed the deer. 😉

Filed Under: Dear Diary

6 Comments on “I need more sandbags”

  1. Mohammad says:

    Haha that dear lol
    Merry Christmas Jenny

  2. MrsNews says:

    Merry Christmas Jenny! Thank you for a wonderful year of smiles. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. Please tell your Stepmom I am thinking about her during this time. I am sure it is hard for her this year.

    I am sorry for your crummy weather, I am sure it is scarey! Sounds like a good reason to stay home cuddled in front of the fire eating cookies!!

    I look forward to another year of fun and calling you my friend!


  3. Tara says:

    Ha ha your dead right. If it hit the deer…. One part of the problem gone 🙂 merry Christmas

  4. sue says:

    One thing we’ve learned from building our house on three acres of woods, “don’t talk to the deer!” They are smarter than you think and that’s why he kept eating and ignored you!” ha! ha! (I would know having two very clever siberian huskies!)
    Good luck with the weather out there! (have you ever considered moving to the safe side of the san andreas fault??)
    We have our anual Christmas Eve party at our house tomorrow evening, six lbs. of jumbo shrimp, 200 little neck clams, salads, subway platter……and plenty of treats!! Your butter cookies are wonderful and part of our party!!
    Have a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year to you, Denis, and all the blog buddies!!!!

    Sue and Mike

  5. Rhonda says:

    LOL…I take it you are none to happy with that deer…lol…hilarious Jenny!…
    Oh I was gonna hold off on making the fresh cranberry sauce but I decided to make turkey and dressing for my part and I will be making the cranberry sauce as well. I just hope we still have some cranberries in stock by tomorrow, because we were way so busy. They say we might get 1 to 3 inches of snow for Saturday and tomorrow will be a madhouse at work for sure. Yikes!…
    Take care Jenny and stay safe from the down pours and rolling boulders…


  6. Heather says:

    Good luck with all the rains. It just sounds terrible out there.

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