Aug 27, 2014
No botulism yet
Here is a conversation that took place last week at a popular local Italian deli/restaurant in Burbank.
Me: What’s your best imported Italian pizza sauce?
He: It’s Cento, in the cans right over there. It’s the best.
Me: I found the pizza sauce but all the cans are dented. I mean really dented, like somebody used them to play kickball. I don’t want to buy dented cans.
He: I don’t blame you. You can get really sick.
Me: Those cans are really mangled. Nobody is going to buy them.
He: That’s okay. If they don’t sell after about three months, they take them in the back and make marinara sauce for the restaurant.
Me: With the dented cans?!
He: We’ve been here over 40 years – nobody got sick yet.