Mar 01, 2011

I couldn’t believe my eyes.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. I walked out on my driveway today, getting ready to run some errands, and I noticed some movement in the bushes off to the side. I thought it might have been someone’s dog because it sounded pretty big and then I saw it. It was a stunning bird with beautiful colors just walking through the plants, under some trees. I ran inside to get my camera, hoping he’d still be there when I got back. I grabbed Denis, our assistant Damon, and housekeeper, Antonia, and said, “You guys have to see this! What is it?” The bird was still there, in fact, he didn’t seem bothered by us, if maybe a bit curious. We decided it was probably a pheasant and wondered if it was somebody’s pet. I started taking pictures as he casually walked around for about ten minutes. After a while, he headed up towards the big hill behind our house, never even looking back to see if we had weapons, or a net (hasn’t he heard of “pheasant under glass?”). He had a chance to fly away but he never flapped his wings, just took his sweet time, sauntering along to the back hill, then up into the safety of some shrubbery.

We looked him up and it’s a ring-necked pheasant, not native to southern California.

We get used to the deer, coyotes, bobcats, raccoons, rattlesnakes, and skunks around here, but this was really a treat.

I hope he comes back.

Filed Under: My Backyard

3 Comments on “I couldn’t believe my eyes.”

  1. Simon says:

    I am almost certain he escaped from a yard in your region. Those things can cover a lot of ground and walk constantly rarely sleeping or nesting. The key here is longer days now and Mr Pheasant out looking for a mate since spring is in the air. The problem with that is the Fox/ Yotes up back in the hills behind the house he will soon be a dinner for one of them. Mmmm yummy those birds are very tasty.

  2. MrsNews says:

    That is a cool looking bird!!

    Thanks for sharing!


  3. Rhonda says:

    Great photo! He looked right at you 🙂
    Aw Jenny, I can almost feel the excitement you have of this visitor showing up. I love the fact you have to go and get the camera when things unexpectedly comes around that you have to capture the moment 🙂
    I hope he shows back up. It’s amazing he didn’t fly away. I agree he must be someone’s pet. Maybe he found his way back home…
    Let’s hope he stays safe from the other animals, because that is one beautiful bird…

    Take care,

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