Mar 09, 2011

Scandals on the View

I was contacted last month by a producer at The View with an invitation to appear on the show.  If you saw that post, you’ll know I was suspicious about why they wanted me during sweeps. “We’re doing a ‘Where Are They Now’ week and would love to catch up with Jenny,” they said. My rep had to ask the question. “Is this about the talk show scandal?” The producer admitted they would ask one question about it but this was mostly about what Jenny is doing now. I declined. So I thought I would check and see who actually appeared on their ‘Where Are They Now’ week.  Let’s see… where do I start?

How about starting with exactly how the week of Feb. 21st was promoted on their website: “All week long The View is bringing back the most scandalous stories of their time.”

Monday: Amber Frey – Wife-killer Scott Peterson’s mistress.

Tuesday: Jessica Hahn – Brought down televangelist Jim Bakker when they had an affair.

Wednesday: John Wayne Bobbitt – His wife cut off his penis.

Thursday: Kato Kaelin, O.J. Simpson’s houseguest & a witness from one of the most famous murder cases in the world.

Friday: The “Mayflower Madam” Sydney Barrows, who was busted for running an international prostitution ring.

I’m glad I said no.

Filed Under: Dear Diary, General

15 Comments on “Scandals on the View”

  1. DrDeClutter says:

    Good for you, Jenny!

    As a human race we need to do our individual parts to stop meanness. We each are a part of the uplifting or distruction of the collective consciousness. Your one positive ripple in the big ocean of life makes a difference to us all. Good for you for stopping negativity and gossip.



  2. Sue says:

    What a bunch of hens!!! I don’t know why people need to rehash bad times??
    We always stood beside you. Why don’t they call the jail where that guy is and interview him? His actions should never have been reflected upon you or the show.
    Enjoy your life and keep smiling !! 🙂 🙂

    Sue and Mike

    • Rhonda says:

      “His actions should never have been reflected upon you or the show.”
      I agree with you on that one Sue 😉

  3. MrsNews says:

    Wow good call girlfriend…that just ticks me off that they would even think of you in that group of people!

    Bunch of bitches!!


    • Rhonda says:

      Nice post 😉
      Don’t mess with the best!!!
      Right Kathy???
      You know I consider us Jenny’s small army…lol…

  4. Rhonda says:

    Yeah Jenny, I’m glad you’re smart and used your intellect on that one 😉

    I’m with Michael in standing behind you 100% when they had you down at your lowest during your talk show days with the sandal Jenny. I’m sure it was very stressful for you and I’m sorry you were in the middle of it all. I don’t like talking about it and I’m sure you are glad it’s over with, but this post made me go on and say my piece about it and to let you know that it didn’t have an impact on how I seen you and your show. It actually helped me favor you more and defend you where need be 🙂

    Oh and Jenny I remember you had a 2 day interview with John Wayne Bobbitt. I kept some of your shows I had recorded and that one might still be in my box of tapes. I use to record soap operas and music videos as well…
    My sisters call me a pack rat 😆

    One more thing Jenny, if I’m out of line here. I’m sorry…

  5. NVirgina says:

    I am so glad you are smarter than those women on the view! I would like to see you appear on Donald Trump’s celebrity apprentice!

  6. Michael says:

    I’m so glad you trusted your instincts! You don’t need the snarky women of The View interrogating you. I’ve always stood behind you 100% regarding the scandal.

  7. Heather says:

    Jenny I am happy you didn’t do it either. Some people just want to remember the bad and not the good…..that sucks.

  8. marty says:

    Polish people always follow their instincts don’t we J.J.?

  9. jean says:

    good thing you turned them down. 🙂

  10. diana says:

    Sketchy Sketchy! Always follow your instincts!

  11. Kyle says:

    Sketchy Sketchy! Always follow your instincts!

  12. Becky says:

    Right move, Jenny-O. You KNOW where that WOULD have gone!


  13. addrienne mertens says:

    geez! ya good thing u said no
    bobbit..? wow that was a long time ago.
    i think ur great and miss ur show
    glad i found ur blog

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