Mar 20, 2011

Why we love Mrs. News

If you’re a regular visitor, you know Mrs. News (Kathy) is giving back to those facing struggles by crocheting beautiful, colorful “chemo caps” and she donates them to cancer patients going through chemo. How wonderful for people to know that a stranger wants to help. I originally posted a photo of these lovely caps on January 31st and since then, a website visitor (Marsha), who recently started crocheting chemo caps, asked Kathy for, and received, the pattern.  Then today, this message came in: “Hello, I came across this site by accident and saw your beautiful and colorful caps. They’re gorgeous! I would love to purchase a couple for my 18yr old daughter who was recently diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma cancer in February 2011. She has lost all of her hair. She is in chemo treatment every 2 weeks. She has received many nice caps from generous people but would really enjoy some colorful and bright, spring colors. Thank you for your consideration. Gwen Dela Cruz

Kathy, you are an angel, a role model, and a special kind of “Jenny’s Hero.” Here is the link to Gwen’s daughter, Alexis’ story:

And here is another look at Kathy’s beautiful caps…

UPDATE (April 3rd): Kathy reports that Alexis has received her Chemo Caps and loves them. Kathy says, “That made me feel like I was able to help her smile, at least for a little while. I also included a pair of “funglasses” to make her smile. I am also sending many more to her to pass out at the childrens cancer ward. I wanted to thank you for being the bridge for connecting us!”

Filed Under: Dear Diary, General

4 Comments on “Why we love Mrs. News”

  1. Vicky S says:

    I love the colorful chemo caps! I have a very dear friend who is going thru chemo and I have made her a few chemo hats. My greatest satisfaction is making more hats that I am giving to our local hospital cancer center. I would love to have the instructions to your caps if you will share. And, where did you get the colorful yarn? What brand, etc? Thank you so much.

    • Jenny says:

      Vicky, we checked with Kathy and she asked us to send you her email, which we will do privately. How nice that you are doing this for those in need. Take care.

  2. MrsNews/Kathy says:

    How exciting! I will contact them as soon as I get back from vacation! I have been making them in the car as we drive! I can’t tell you how much I love sending these caps to people just like her. I will mail her a couple as soon as I can. Please feel free to contact me with any requests like this one Jenny.

    Believe me I am no hero or angel but I do feel honored to share my gift.

    Jenny I am in Cottonwood AZ right now and my husband and I just went to Walgreens. They had dresses in there for $15 and of course I thought of you as always!


  3. Rhonda says:

    Aw Jenny, I went to the link earlier and read Alexis story. The softy that I am it brought tears reading it. I pray she overcomes this…
    So sudden for her 🙁

    Kathy, I know you have made a lot of these caps. A couple more for Alexis wouldn’t be too much and I know you enjoy doing it 😉
    I think it’s great they found your work on Jenny’s website 🙂
    You are a great person, Kathy 😉
    And Kathy I agree what Jenny said…
    (Kathy, you are an angel, a role model, and a special kind of “Jenny’s Hero.”)

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