Jul 28, 2011

We have a winner

Who can resist a free contest? Not my squirrels. The contest started this morning and we already have a winner!

Oh wait! Make that TWO winners.

Our Critter Trapper had to make two trips today. Before you get all mushy and feel sorry for these mangy, rat-faced, no-good, low-life, beady-eyed, scum-sucking, tomato-stealing squirrels, by law they just get picked up and relocated a few miles away. They get turned in to a nature preserve somewhere. I’d rather see them turned into a wallet… call it a squallet.

Filed Under: Dear Diary, General

8 Comments on “We have a winner”

  1. Rhonda says:

    Jenny, I thought about you today. We went out for dinner and we were seated by a window table and there was a squirrel digging in the mulch around the flowers looking for food. I watched him for a few minutes and thought…Yep, winter will soon be here and he’s looking to store up for the winter…
    I also have to say it was touchy that you shaded the squirrels in the cages. You did no harm catching them. It saves them from doing damage to the hill plus it helps them leave your yard alone. Squirrels will take over if you let them. I still don’t like squirrels no matter how cute them seem to be to others. Until you have run ins with what a squirrel can do they will never understand why people don’t like’em…

  2. Sue says:

    I agree with Becky!! 🙂 🙂 And so much ingenuity and passion was put into these captures! I love it!


  3. Tiffie says:

    So, the cocktails underneath the pomegranate tree is not a part of this contest? I feel mislead. (HAHAHAHAHA! :-D)

    I’m guessing you’ll get three more “winners” by the end of the week. What do you think?


  4. susan says:

    I sure wish they could live at my house. Cant grow much here, not even squirells! Hope they did not have babys they were caring for. Glad your happy.

    • Jenny says:

      Actually, even though I joked about them, I was very sad to see them in the cages. However, there are a lot more on my back hill and just today we had three big holes where the hill collapsed due to the underground tunnels they create. We’re supposed to keep the hill stable for the rainy season. They live in communes in these tunnels so any young that remain are likely being taken care of, although I’ve seen the young ones running on the hill too so I guess they’re not too young. I would probably not bother relocating them just for my tomatoes but the tunneling in the hill is a real issue in this landslide area. If it makes you feel any better, I put up a trash can lid to shade them until they were picked up. And we know they had food!

      If you visit my blog often, you know that many of my humorous comments are tongue-in-cheek and I didn’t really want the squirrels (or any living things) to die.

      • Rhonda says:

        Aww Jenny even though squirrels can be annoying and destructive. It’s good to let others know how compassionate you are about it all and yes you do say the things all in fun. That is what your site is about too along with the serious side of things 🙂

  5. Rhonda says:

    I know I’m a softy but not for annoying pain in the rear pest, so no getting mushy here. I’m glad you are doing something to protect your yard. And if you have caught a total of 3 squirrels, heck Jenny they had a party without us and by the way, I noticed your sign close up and you have it bad for these squirrels. It’s okay I don’t blame you…
    Go get’em Jenny 🙂

  6. Becky says:

    OMG!!!! I am laughing hysterically!!!!

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