Aug 02, 2011

Here’s My Pickle Recipe

Can you believe you can make pickles in three hours? Delicious, crisp dill pickles? Hello! Three hours. That’s why they’re so crisp! A few of you asked for my pickle recipe so here it is. I tried a few more versions over the weekend and I like this one the best.

Just so you know, all fermented foods like pickles, sauerkraut, olives, even sourdough bread, provide healthy probiotics (aka friendly bacteria). Yes, even fermented yak milk from Tibet! Probiotics strengthen your immune system, aid in digestion & the absorption of nutrients, and they are great to take after antibiotics to bring back those friendly bacteria.

I also have a recipe for sweet pickles which I will post this week but the dill pickles are my favorite.  Click here for the recipe.

Filed Under: Cooking, General

3 Comments on “Here’s My Pickle Recipe”

  1. Rosie says:

    Thank you Jenny for this recipe…..I’m a recipe-a-holic and anything that sounds interesting goes in my files. Pickles are one of my downfalls….I LOVE PICKLES!!!

  2. Tiffie says:

    My stepfather canned a bunch of pickles and peppers, over the weekend. I now have a shelf in my refrigerator housing all sorts of jars filled with pickled goods, HA~! His garden is massive and he’s always sending me away with plenty of things he’s grown. He doesn’t add any chemicals so, I like knowing that everything is free of all growth hormones and all the other junk. I also have a freezer filled with vegetables he’s given me. It’s good to have all that stuff on hand 😀


  3. Rhonda says:

    Thank you Jenny for sharing this. I’m sure those are delicious. I didn’t know these foods were that good for you. You had me googling Yak milk because I never heard of it.

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