Aug 11, 2011

Celebrity Sightings

We went out to dinner Tuesday night with friends and guess who was at the next table? Warren Beatty! I didn’t notice him until we were leaving and when I saw him, I knew his face but for a moment I wasn’t sure who he was. We looked at each other for a few seconds and he was probably thinking the same thing… “I’ve seen her before but where?”  Anyway, I played it very cool and walked out but as soon as I was outside: “Did you see who that was? It was Warren Beatty!” He’s definitely one of the biggest movie stars I’ve seen around town. I did see Tom Selleck at the nursery once (two words: Gor Geous!) and I saw Burt Reynolds driving on the freeway. Oh, and Elliot Gould on Ventura Boulevard, and Britney Spears at a Starbucks. I just realized there’s more…

I saw Nicollette Sheridan at the market, Tom Jones walking, Charlie Sheen driving, Nancy Reagan at the the Bel Air Hotel, Naya Rivera from Glee at the mall, Courtney Love in the Chanel store, Jay Leno driving an old Model T, Travis Barker in Benihana, and last month I saw Christian Slater at a Beverly Hills mall. Oh, oh, here’s the best one: Mohamed Ali at the Grove!

No one seems to notice me when I go shopping but if they ever do and take my picture, look for me in the horrendous “Stars Without Makeup” issue.

Filed Under: Dear Diary, General

3 Comments on “Celebrity Sightings”

  1. MrsNews/Kathy says:

    I love that you get star struck too!! When we were in Monecito last spring it was hard not to gasp when we saw Dennis Franz….so silly. I love stars.


  2. sue says:

    No make up? Ha Ha JJ! I bet you’re still gorgeous darling!!! 🙂 🙂


  3. Rhonda says:

    That’s quiet a few celebs you’ve spotted. You’re in California so I’m sure they are everywhere. Jenny, I bet you make it difficult for people, even celebs, to spot you which I can’t say that I blame you and I bet you don’t look much different without make up but how would I know right?…lol…
    I think just a baseball cap with hair pulled back and maybe with sunglasses would disguise anyone. I’m glad you know how to work the public when you’re out so you won’t be bothered 🙂

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