Sep 25, 2011

No time to blog

I miss my blog! But I’ve been swamped with handling my stepmom’s affairs, getting some work done on the house, and we have house guests this week. Plus I’m trying to write another cookbook, make some more videos and trap some more squirrels, but who has the time? Now there’s a mole creating his own private highway across my lawn, and something left a big pile of poop in the back yard last night. Where’s the hawk when you need him? I’ll be back to blogging soon. Meantime, feel free to share your own details about what’s overwhelming you. I don’t want to be the lone whiner!

Filed Under: General

6 Comments on “No time to blog”

  1. Michelle says:

    Try getting a dalmatian for the moles. They are great at sniffing them out and digging them up. The only thing you have to watch is that the dogs want to play with them once they’ve dug them up (usually killing the mole in the process), and sometimes the mole scampers away to live to dig another day!

  2. MrsNews says:


    How is your stepmom? Is she okay? I have been out of the loop.

    I hope all is okay with you and your family.


    • Jenny says:

      Stepmom is doing fine, thank you for asking. It’s been a year since her husband died so she’s finally starting to move on, looking for a new place to live in a retirement community, and socializing more… so pretty good overall.

  3. DoomLazer says:

    Hey jenny. I loved your show. Why isn’t it on the air anymore. Who is taming all these wild teens nowadays? Is that not a problem anymore? My friend said that you can’t do Geek to Chic episodes these days because it is chic to be a geek; is that true? Are you still playing the drums? Do you still talk to Rude Jude? Sorry about all the questions. There is a new tv channel on cable and I am bugging them to air your show again. anyway, thanks for all the fun memories!

  4. Heather says:

    I hear you….there are not enough hours in the day. I have a house full of dogs….got 2 more puppy mill dogs at my house this weekend that have never had human contact. Now it is time to rehab them. I still have the min pin with paralysis here at my house too…..waiting for his wheelchair so he can go up for adoptio.n Then my furnace broke yesterday. I need to call someonr to fix it…and praying I don’t need a whole new furnace…I cannot afford one now. Atleast I am off work today!!

  5. Rhonda says:

    Aw, too busy for fun stuff. You seem quite the busy one. I finally get a break from being busy and I enjoyed my vacation last week. Work will pick back up in a few weeks though, so I will enjoy a little rest before the holidays hit us…
    Just think once you’re finished doing all the important things on the list for you to do. I’m sure you will be back to blogging. I know you enjoy it here as much as we do. Oh and I can’t wait for your cookbook to be finished. Keep us posted when it becomes available 🙂
    Take it easy Jenny and don’t get too overwhelmed. We want to see you blogging in tip top shape 😉

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