Dec 06, 2011

Christmas contest!

Are you Christmas shopping? Could you use some extra money? Do you feel lucky? If you could use  a $100 Visa gift card, all you have to do is guess how many pieces of caramel corn are in this container. I make caramel corn every Christmas to give as gifts (by the way, the recipe is available on my recipes page).

This beautiful cookie jar measures six inches from the top of the rim to the very bottom.  And if a few pieces of the popcorn stuck together in a clump, I counted each kernel separately.

It’s one guess per person, and whether you’re over or under, whoever comes the closest… wins $100.  The contest ends Friday.

By the way, the smiley faces on the blue ornaments happened by accident. The eyes are two lights I had on and the smileys are from the rim of the table. How about that?

Good luck and Happy Holidays!

Filed Under: General

24 Comments on “Christmas contest!”

  1. Michelle Macaluso says:


  2. Tiffie says:

    Let’s see if this works; my television is on channel 229 so, I’m going with 229. C’mon, Mama needs a new pair of house shoes!


  3. Mike Paradis says:


    Happy Holidays JJ!

  4. Scott Mitchell says:

    Merry Christmas!

  5. Debbie Hankins says:

    My guess is 221.

  6. Cheri bowman says:

    I will guess 156. I sure could use the money.

  7. Joe says:

    My guess is 120 I kind of figured 20 pieces per inch. Love your blog. I printed out the recipe and want to try it this weekend with my daughter and nephew. Merry Christmas

  8. Hana says:

    i’m so bad at estimating! 🙂 but i’ll guess… 76?

  9. Dana says:

    Hi Jenny! I love carmel corn and can’t wait to try your recipe this weekend. My guess is 70.

  10. Carol says:

    Hello Jenny. I think there is 100 pieces of caramel corn in your beautiful cookie jar. Love the happy faces on the Christmas balls.

  11. Josh says:

    i say 273 pieces!!

  12. Monica says:

    Merry Christmas Jenny….I’m going to guess 62

  13. Roll Dog says:

    How nice.

    I am going to say about 57 pieces of candy that are in that container.

  14. Rhonda says:

    Happy Holidays to you to Jenny…
    My guess is 58 pieces of caramel corn…

  15. Florencia says:

    82 happy pieces. 🙂

  16. Jean says:

    107 pieces

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