Jul 13, 2010

Go ahead… Ask me anything

Nothing is off limits…

…from my shoe size to what I ate yesterday, to how it is I never get sick, or what’s up with those snakes in your backyard?


To ask me anything, just click the “Comments” button below…


234 Comments on “Go ahead… Ask me anything”

  1. Ryan Spencer says:


    A few questions. First off, I watched your show every day for years. As non-luck would have it, one of the few shows I *did* miss was your final episode. I only caught the ending, where you spoke to the audience. So… two questions. Is there any way to include that final address to your viewers? I missed most of it. Also, it seems like your show ended so fast. Was it hard for you to end the show, and how long did it take you to get over the sadness of being cancelled?

  2. Gloria Cabeen says:

    Hi Jenny, I recently discovered your cooking videos (such humor!) and I LOVE them! I think your kitchen is wonderfully decorated and like your collection of novelty kitchen timers. So far I’ve made the beef stew and everyday cookies. Tomorrow I’m making the meat loaf.
    Where do you get the colored latex gloves?
    Love the photos of your house and garden! Thanks for sharing your life story; I’m sorry that your parents didn’t really live their faith and give you better parenting. But you made lemonade from the lemons and have been so kind and generous to others. God bless you!

  3. Lavonna Hess Streight says:

    Just wondering did you ever live in a small town in WV called Moundsville. That would be about your 7th or so grade in Jr High. I remember a girl that had your name and she was soo sophisticated in her dress etc, that I never forgot her. She had your blond hair and blue eyes. I would love to know if that was you or some other gal . I ran with her for a short while amongst some other girl friends. She moved away and I have often wondered where she ended up and what she did in life. I saw your show a long time ago and I wondered then if you were her or not. Thanks if you answer me I will have a nagging thought and question answered.

  4. Lora says:

    I feel like this should be called Dear Jenny – anyway I have to admit it didn’t really watch your TV show but I am a fan of your cooking channel on YouTube. I am actually making your polish cabbage rolls tonight. I guess I have a few questions for you so….. I love your kitchen, is it always that clean. If it is – how is that possible? I can see your a busy lady and always have been – what advice would you give to moms who are overwhelmed with the day to day to do lists? How do you prioritize your day, take care of yourself and still manage to do so much? Thanks in advance – and by the way, your skin is amazing!

    • Jenny Jones says:

      I wish I had a good answer for you but what I do all day will never compare to what you, as a mom, are doing. I’m pretty sure if I had children I would have the same frustrations as you do. I am currently retired from working on TV (by choice) and am only doing what I feel I can manage and I know I am fortunate in that regard. I assure you I don’t do as much as it might seem and my time in the kitchen is a labor of love, even cleaning up my mess. I can tell you that eating a healthy diet got me through some long days on the job when I was hosting a TV show and my only advice to you is to take the best care of yourself, like eating a healthy diet and finding ways to reduce stress. It should help you better manage your daily to-do lists, and it will help keep your skin looking good too. I never drink soft drinks or eat fast food. I eat a lot of vegetables and I drink green tea every day. I hope my thoughts help you in some small way to manage what you are doing, which is the most important job in the world – being a parent.

  5. Drew says:

    Is it possible to get copies of individual episodes of your show? If so, how? Thanks.

  6. Melanie says:

    What facial moisturizer do you use?

    • Jenny Jones says:

      I do all my own skincare at home including scrubs, my own facials, and switching products often. The older we get, the dryer our skin gets so moisturizing is very important. Here are some of the products I use:
      Skinceuticals A.G.E. Interrupter
      Dr. Hauschka Regenerating Day Cream
      Peter Thomas Roth Intensive Anti-Aging Cellular Creme
      Peter Thomas Roth FIRMx Firming Night Cream
      Natura Bisse Diamond Extreme
      By the way, there are other factors that contribute to my good skin, like a healthy diet, no junk food or soft drinks, and sunscreen every single day and even with sunscreen, I avoid the sun. I hope that helps.

    • Melanie says:

      Thank you.

  7. Shayla Reed says:

    Hi my question is when you got out of high school is this what you wanted to do, be a talk show host and if not were you undecided. Did you live in a dorm when you left high school. I’m a junior in high school and I want to be a singer when I’m older but I feel like if that doesn’t work out i don’t know what to do like for a career . I’m starting to be really concerned about my future. And by the way thank you so much for answering my other question!

    • Jenny Jones says:

      I always wanted to be an entertainer and was a musician first and then a stand up comic before I got my talk show. Luckily I had good office & bookkeeping skills that I learned from working in my dad’s store because I had to hold many day jobs during my show biz ups and downs. If you want to be a singer when you’re older, then you should be a singer now. The sooner you start to develop your talent the better so you should be singing anywhere they will let you. Get some feedback and see if you have the talent. But even if you are a great singer, talent isn’t always enough. With show biz, timing and luck can make all the difference. It’s important to have skills other than show business, which is why so many people have day jobs like I did. It’s important that anyone wanting to be in show business have valuable work skills. This way you can do what I did and work in the day and sing at night. I did stand up comedy that way. It’s called “paying your dues.” The reality is that show biz is not easy so you have to really want it and be willing to do it for nothing for any chance to succeed.

  8. Joe says:

    hi jenny i was wondering if you could tell me who designed your blog the layout is awesome thank you for all your help

  9. Shayla Reed says:

    hi! i just wanted to say i was probably 1 yrs old during the episodes i watched of you but you seemed very personable and nice. My questions are what state was your show filmed in? what did you have for breakfast today? And what in your opinion is a good breakfast to eat.?

    • Jenny Jones says:

      The show was taped in Chicago, Illinois. Today I had granola with milk and some melon for breakfast. My idea of a good breakfast includes whole grains, protein, and sometimes fresh fruit. So I often have 1- High fiber cereal with bananas; 2- Whole grain toast & a hard boiled egg; 3- Oatmeal with blueberries or raspberries; 4- Peanut butter & honey on whole grain toast; 5- Egg salad on whole wheat flat bread; 6- A bran muffin and cantaloupe; 7- Whole wheat french toast with mashed strawberries; 8- Eggs scrambled with broccoli & spinach with whole wheat toast; 9- Whole grain pancakes; 10- Whole grain waffles with mixed berries. Oh… and I always have green tea with breakfast.

  10. Jenny Jones says:

    Regarding the “SADDEST BOY EVER” video, I’m sorry to say I have not been able to locate him. I’ve looked at whatever show records I have and cannot find that exact show or any names. I have also reached out to former producers but no one has been able to help and my email to Raymond Moses was not acknowledged. We routinely paid to send boys to boot camp but this boy would have been too young to go. I have put out word at every opportunity that if anyone recognizes this family from the video to please contact me through this website, on my facebook page, or my youtube channel. So far no one has claimed to know them or to be them. I, too, would love to know how this little boy is doing today (he would be an adult by now). I do hear from quite a few former guests with updates on their lives but never this family. I’m aware that the video has been seen by millions of people but there is nothing else I can do to find him. I’m still hoping someone will recognize him or his mother and contact me. I would be thrilled if that happens and will certainly share the information if it ever comes.

  11. Dennis says:

    The drill sergeant in the video “saddest boy ever” is from my hometown and I found him on FB and asked him about the video and unfortunately he and the boy lost touch and he doesn’t know where or how the boy is doing.

  12. Jenny Jones says:

    Believe me, if I knew where to find this episode, I would have shared it immediately.

    • Jenny Jones says:

      We taped more than 2,000 shows over 12 years and there was information (name, address, etc.) taken on every guest. Since the show was owned by Telepictures, all of those records were retained by them and when I asked, I was told they were put into storage. There really is nothing else I can do to locate this family. I wish I could.

  13. Kayla says:

    Scroll down a little….someone else asked and she answered.

  14. Melissa says:

    This video has gone viral. I have searched everywhere for the whole episode. I also want to know what happened in the episode and where he is today.

    Any info would be great

  15. Michael says:

    I was once a Sign Language interpreter for Deaf audience members in a studio audience of your show. The topic was something along the lines of, “I’m so pretty nobody asks me for dates”. The panel included one woman who was a very masculine body-builder type, and several very large breasted women.

    I remember at the time it led me to wonder something. You used to be a crusader against breast implants, having had a series of terrible experiences with them in your own life. Several episodes, as I recall, were devoted to the evils of the silicon implant.

    However, later on your show, you seemed to shift to frequently glorifying enormous, often fake, breasts. I ALWAYS wondered when and why that shift occurred. Was it just my perception?


    • Jenny says:

      As the host I wanted every guest to feel comfortable and have a good experience on my show. I never wanted anyone to feel they were being judged for anything, whether it was a risky decision like having breast implants, or thinking you’re too pretty to get a date, or even having an affair. I like to think my show succeeded partly because I made all the guests feel comfortable being there no matter what the topic.

  16. tom levine says:

    hello there jenny thought you were one of the coolest talk show hosts around .I am wondering if there is any chance of you coming back on tv .I did hear of the tragedy of the two gay people conflict but there is no way for you to have known what was to happen after the show.there has got to be a loop hole you can find legally to get back on tv.i do miss some of those hot pornstars you had on too all though I don’t think you called them pornstars I think they were models lol.you are a hottie as well I think someone said you were a model.well anyway I am tired of seeing ellen ,then ricki and now arsinial hall however you spell it there all on a second chance .they need to give you a second shot at it because its not fair jenny .

    • Jenny Jones says:

      Thanks for asking but I am currently not on TV by choice. I had a fantastic 12-year run and the scandal you referred to had nothing to do with my show ending. My show was cancelled to make room for the Sharon Osborne Show. I’ve had offers for other shows but I’m lucky to be able to do something I love, at my own pace (no cooking competition shows!) and not have to be in makeup every day. And no Spanx! But thanks for missing me.

  17. Jenny Jones says:

    Please see my reply above.

  18. Jenny Jones says:

    Please see my response above.

  19. Carmen says:

    Just wondering what happened to the 10 year old boy and the Sergeant on one of your preteen boot camp shows. I believe it aired in 1998.

    • rosa says:

      Is there a link to the show you did with the little boy who wanted a daddy.
      Its is on youtube but only for a few mins. The title is saddest boy amd
      I would like to watch the full clip for it. And if there is any updates to
      How that boy is

  20. Margaret says:

    I am a professional harpist that plays alot at retirement homes etc and I get to see the end results of people’s good and bad decisions of taking care of their bodies. I feel there are some companies that are really making an impact on the situation of eating health. Do you ever take any of these and give a run down on what you think of their products?

  21. Elsie says:

    Jenny ….I was going through some books I had and run across your book that I had bought years ago …I just finished reading it again and loved it as much as the first time I read it …I so admire the way you hang in there no matter what …bless you ! Sincerely Elsie

  22. julizsa says:

    hi jenny

    my question to you is will you ever do another talk show gig. I think you were great and I would love to see you host another show.

    sincerely julizsa

    • Jenny Jones says:

      I have no plans to do any more TV. It’s been 10 years since my last show aired and the reason it did not continue was that I was replaced by the Sharon Osbourne Show. But I have no complaints, since my show ran for 12 years during a time when most daytime talk shows never made it past one. Thanks for asking.

  23. Denis Elwert says:

    Hi Jenny,
    So close to 20 years ago I worked at C.P.K. in Shaumburg across from Woodfield and waited on you a couple of times. One time we were chatting about your partner, are name was spelled the same. This memory still makes me laugh. I had not seen your show I didn’t watch a lot of Tv at the time. You were so kind to me and showed a genuine interest. I promised you I would watch. And I did!!! But was already a fan. Do ya still eat at C.P.K.? If so what’s your fav?

    • Jenny Jones says:

      You brought back some great memories of my years in Chicago. I haven’t been to CPK for a long time but I always liked the salads there. Thanks for remembering me.

  24. John says:

    Hey Jenny,

    I’m fascinated over the fact you haven’t been sick in decades. Besides eating the right foods..I was wondering if you think using items like hand sanitizers/Clorox wipes are necessary? Also do you take any special precautions if someone around you is ill to avoid catching it?


    • Jenny says:

      I don’t use any sanitizers or take any special routine precautions. I don’t run from sick people as I know some people do and I sometimes wonder if exposing myself to a variety of germs is what keeps my immune system so strong. However, if I’m around someone who is sick, I probably wouldn’t shake their hand or share a glass but that’s about it. I also believe that a positive attitude helps a lot. If I ever feel like something is coming on, I simply deny it. I decide that I don’t have the time or desire to be sick and I don’t get sick. Some people feel a cold coming on and simply accept they’ll be sick and they are. I hope I’m making sense. But there’s more…

      Many years ago my back went out and I was lying on the couch in severe pain on an ice pack. I could barely walk and couldn’t even stand up straight. The phone rang and it was Hollywood Squares asking if I could fill in for someone at the last minute. I jumped off the couch, put my clothing together and headed for studio. We taped five shows that day which involved climbing up and down into the squares and the whole time, my back pain was gone. I couldn’t have taped these shows with a bad back so it had to go away… and it did. Ever since then, I’ve been convinced that it’s possible to deny some illnesses and pain.

      Besides eating fairly well (I still have pizza or a gelato once in a while) it may be what I do NOT eat: No fast food at all, no soft drinks at all, no diet drinks at all, and no store-bought cookies or sweets – I make all my own. And I drink a lot of green tea. I hope I didn’t preach here too much but I appreciate your asking and hope this gives you something to think about. Take care.

      • Anonymous says:

        Wow! Mind over matter, right? I know that an adrenaline rush can block pain, and I know that in fight or flight situations, your body is capable of more than you would imagine (blocks pain, stronger). But I never considered that you could control this, that you could just decide not to hurt. I think I might have to try that with the reverse curve and pinched nerves I have in my neck. Maybe if I decide I won’t get migraines… I won’t get migraines.

        • Jenny Jones says:

          I’m not sure if you’re sincere or sarcastic so I will assume sincere. As I said, I believe it’s possible to deny SOME illnesses and pain. I was referring mostly to colds and general body pain but I don’t know about a pinched nerve. As for migraines it’s possible that my theory could apply since it’s believed that stress may contribute to migraines.

      • HeidiLove says:

        Hi Jenny,

        I think you were correct, IMHO, that it’s what you DON’T Eat rather than what you do that makes the difference.

        When you added that you make all of your own sweets, I instantly…well that idea instantly SNAGGED onto my brain! Heck! Put out a little extra effort, KNOW EXACTLY what you put into everything you’re eating and Ta-DA! Eat cookies again…but, and the math works out REALLY Well! ONLY. When. You. Have. Time. To. Bake.

        AWESOME FORMULA, lady!

        Thanks! You’re BRILLIANT!!! 🙂
        Love and Laughter,

  25. Ange says:

    Hi Jenny!
    How are you?! I loved your segment on Healthy Foods for Glowing Skin! But I have a another question that relates to skin. I have brown spots on top of my lip and I don’t know how to get rid of them. Do you have any good foods I can eat or remedies that can help reduce this brown color?

    • Jenny says:

      There are only two things I know about reducing brown spots. One is to wear a good sunscreen every day, even when sitting by windows, and even when it’s overcast and you’re outside because the sun still does damage on those days. Never let the rays of the sun touch your skin, even with sunscreen. Second, is to use a product that contains a bleaching ingredient (hydroquinone). They are available over the counter but a dermatologist can give you a stronger formula. Besides that, I don’t know of anything dietary that would make much difference. I hope that helps.

  26. Irene says:


    I have two questions:

    In your food videos, you are wearing a very lovely, subtle, feminine nail polish. What is the name of the nail polish? Do you do your own nails?

    On another subject, I believe you like dark chocolate. What kind (brand) do you enjoy?


    • Jenny says:

      I always do my own nails and facials, I guess because I don’t have the patience to sit there while someone else does it. The polish I use is O.P.I. Rosy Future. And as for chocolate, I’m not into any brand exclusively and always try new ones when I see them but I mostly eat chocolate with nuts. I like the crunch and it’s a fun way to eat heart-heatlhy nuts. Some in my “chocolate rotation” are See’s dark chocolate almond clusters (more nuts than chocolate), Trader Joe’s Swiss Dark Chocolate Bar with 30% hazelnuts, and I also like Green & Blacks Dark Chocolate with Hazelnuts & Currants, and Ritter Sport Dark Chocolate with Whole Hazelnuts (Target has it). I think that’s it! Thanks for asking.

  27. Debbie says:

    Hi Jenny- I came upon your blog after doing a search for Wamsutta Elite Sateen sheets. I was dismayed to read they don’t make them anymore!!! Did you ever find any sheets that feel the same?

    • Jenny says:

      No, I never did. I bought some Hudson Park sheets at Bloomingdale’s but I have to iron them to make them soft enough. …still looking.

  28. robbie kampen says:

    did u ever have a purple ice cream ? called ube made from purple yams. phillipino

  29. robbie kampen says:

    did you ever see at a walmart in produce area a small bag of peppers ?? some green, yellow and orange. it says sweet. they are sweeter than a reg. green pepper. like sugar about 6 in small plastic reclosable locking lid container. i try to find the pickled green tomato’s in a jar. hard to find.

    • Jenny says:

      In fact, I just bought a package of mixed colored small peppers and they were very sweet and delicious. I put them in my salad.

  30. robbie kampen says:

    do you ever cook polish , pierogies , polish pancakes , goulumkeies ?

  31. Mark says:

    I’m looking for a 1995 episode of your talk show that had Old TV Show Stars from the 70’s including Christopher Knight-Ron Pallilo- Robert Hegyes and Danielle Spencer.

    How would I go about getting that episode on DVD or VHS? –(I taped it then -but now the tape messes up a bit with age when I play it).

    • Jenny says:

      If you want us to do a search for a copy of a show please go to the “Talk Show” page and you’ll see instructions on what to do.

  32. Jina says:

    Hey Jenny. Hope all is well. Love the website. I remember watching u every day. The good “old” days . U r truly missed on my tv and vote for u to come back. How great that would be??? Awesome!!!! Couple questions if u font mind…. What ever happened to rude Jude lol just saw some of the clips on utube and totally was cracking up lol???? Also of u were asked to start up a new talk show would u???? Like I said I watched u everyday and now I’m a mom of 2 and PTA I need some Jenny Jones in my life . Lol I hope all is well and can’t wait to hear back. Tyys Jina

    • Jenny says:

      I think Rude Jude is on Sirius radio these days and I have declined all offers to be on TV. You can stick a fork in me because I am done! But dang… those were the days! 🙂

  33. Donna says:

    Ms. Jones, I love your hair color, and I was wondering if you would mind letting me know what your base color is if you are able to?
    Love your site and recipes!

    • Jenny says:

      I only get my hair done every three months and my base color is my own. He just adds a few highlights but I’ve never paid attention to what color those are. My hair is darker than I used to have it but it allows me to go a longer time without getting it done. And by the way, by using my own base color, I am also seeing some grey ones!! Yikes!

  34. Jane says:

    Hi Jenny,
    I was watching a re-run of SUPER DAVE this morning, saw you guesting and
    decided to check you out online. I didn’t realize that you were a
    photographer! I am a recently-retired teacher in Ontario, Canada and also
    love photography. I use a Canon Rebel, too. (XTi and T3i) Recently, I’ve
    been concentrating on maternity and newborn pics; however, I enjoy taking
    pics of just about everything and have some nice bee and grasshopper photos.

    Question: How do you attract that many hummingbirds at a time to your

    Many thanks,

    PS – Your home is stunning!

    • Jenny says:

      It seems that the more feeders you have, the more birds you attract. I have six feeders going and we refill them constantly with their sugar-water.

  35. stacy says:

    i just want to tell you THANKYOU for the JJ summer stuff.. ive never one anyting before.. and thankyou for the autograph pic..

  36. I have a question, do you have any of those bears left and jackets from your show, i would truly love one. and do you do autograph pictures of you?

    • Jenny says:

      Stacy, the bears and jackets will only be given as contest prizes since we only have a few more left. But I will have my assistant, Damon, email you next week for your address and we can send you an autographed picture. Take care.

    • stacy says:

      hi jenny, i want to give you a GREAT BIG THANKYOU for the autograph picture you sent to me…. Hugggsss and hope you have a WONDERFUL Birthday….

  37. hi jenny, i am a great fan of urs.. i use to watch ur show everyday… just wondering, do you let ur fans meet you in person? that is my one wish, is to meet you in person..

    • Jenny says:

      It’s better not to meet because we celebs never seem to look as good in person… 😉 But I will answer any questions you have right here.

  38. Josh says:

    Hey Jenny
    I heard not long ago that Rikki Lake is coming back to TV with a new talk show. I’ve always liked her and was wondering if you had met her, or ran into her while in Chicago.
    I’m going this February and I’m very excited as I’ve never been. I want to see the big chrome thing lol

    • Jenny says:

      Josh, I’m sorry this is so late… Before Rikki went on the air, she came and sat in my audience (like I did with Phil Donahue) just to see how things work. I also met her at one of the annual NATPE conventions (National Association of Television and Programming Executives). She was very nice and friendly. We talked about how much homework was involved with a talk show like ours but she spent less time in hers than I did. It will be fun to see her back on the air.

  39. Danny says:

    Hello Jenny how are you doing? ( Im feeling fine and nervous @ the same time I just finshed part one of my GED exam!! part two will be next Saturday! gosh i just hate math! lol)
    The other thing I enjoyed about your amazing show ( besides you!) was the music you guys played when the guest came out! I was wondering where one can find it I’ve looked evetywhere! I remember the guy who did the music started with an M- something but any way Thanks for the 12 years of amazing television!

    • Jenny says:

      I think the music was produced by M-Doc but that was handled by Telepictures so I can’t help you find it. I’m glad you liked it. I wrote the original theme music for the show but I’m not sure that’s what they played for walk-ons. I wasn’t much help, was I?

  40. jen_with_relish says:

    Waaaait a minute….. Three of your old staffers work for Oprah and somehow you weren’t included? Sounds like a bunch of B.S. to me. :/

    On a lighter note, I was going through some of my old things and I came across pictures from when I was about 14 years old. My friends and I were playing “You’re Too Fat to Wear That!”. Such a great time. Your show was fun! It was supposed to be! I was raised on Jenny and Rikki Lake and yet I have a managed to become a successful, well-rounded adult. Boo to the naysayers!

  41. Jean Reddy says:

    Hello again Jenny

    I’m wondering how you handle your facebook, website and all other public forums. How many messages on facebook do you get a day? How do you handle answering them, do you answer them all? How do you know who to accept as friends? Do you “creep” other peoples pages? How long does it take you to look at everything because you seem to keep everything current, have you hired someone to do all this for you? Also as a fan I think by saying this I can speak for every fan out there….it is really nice that you are so personal with fans and that you actually take time out for us, it makes you seem human and not “just another celebrity” who doesn’t have time for your fans. Thank you! I’m very interested to know the above questions so let us know the behind the scenes if you will.

    Thanks Jenny! Have a great day!
    Jean Reddy

    • Jenny says:

      I do everything from home with just an outstanding assistant. Sometimes I see messages and other times he will let me know and I answer them myself. I do my best to keep up – thank goodness I don’t have a real job! I saw your question on facebook and was going to get to it soon, but here it is anyway. (I don’t know what creeping is)
      Thanks for asking.

      • Rhonda says:

        Jenny, I think “creeping” means visiting your facebook friends pages. Checking out profiles and photos of you friends on facebook. I can see why all the questions and I have to say you and Damon do a great job here and on your Facebook as well…

        And Jean, I agree with you 😀
        A couple of us has said Jenny is so down to earth and I’ve realized she appreciates her fans, because she interacts with us like she does…
        Jenny is different than other celebs for sure 😉

      • Jean Reddy says:

        Wow that’s amazing, it must take up alot of your time…but sounds fun! “Creeping” is a term for looking at others facebook pages, pictures, status, friends….I just hear these things from the kids! Thanks for answering my questions…

        Jean Reddy

  42. Jean Reddy says:

    Okay you asked for it…Jenny, you had the high hair back in the 80’s (hmm hmm, me too just dont tell anyone)….Im sure you could have dated anyone from the hairbands that were in then….did anyone from one of those bands ever ask you on a date or get in touch with you? Were you into any hairbands? if so who? lol this is just for fun!

    • Jenny says:

      I was doing standup comedy in the 80s so the guys who asked me out were usually other comics or club owners. The only famous rocker who asked me out was Sly Stone (Sly & the Family Stone) – yes, him!

      • NVirgina says:

        You only stated that he asked you out… did you go out with him? and do tell all if you went out with him!

        • Jenny says:

          I did go out with him (I was so star-struck). I only saw him a few times and it didn’t last long. He slipped me some LSD but I didn’t know until later. I wondered why things were so weird that night. I saw him on TV recently and he’s like a zombie – just like where Charlie Sheen is headed.

  43. NVirgina says:

    OMG! I just watched on Oprah’s network, a show about all the talk show hosts from the past 25 years, I was so disappointed you weren’t there, (were you not asked?), so I thought well I am gonna google you because I Miss you! I lived in Las Vegas, when your show started. I never missed an episode, I could always count on you to start my day with a laugh! and after my google search I found you! I will probably be up all night watching you on youtube…looking so forward to visiting your website everyday! I think your terrific!

    • Jenny says:

      I’m glad you found me. That Oprah episode originally aired in November and you can see my comments in the November 19th, 2010 blog posting. (look to the archives on the left)

      • NVirgina says:

        Well that just takes the cake, I can assure you that I will not be watching the OWN network just for the mere fact of the way you were treated!!!

  44. Knyisha Morrison says:

    I am trying to find the show that my friend was on. She was on a show about gold diggers in the “90’s” her name is Donna Lynn Vicks. Can you please help me find it?

  45. danny says:

    Hi Jenny,

    I was wondering if you would ever consider having all of The Jenny Jones Show seasons on DVD? You are by now sick and tired of dorks like me asking you that question lol, but its true that would be great. You Tube has your shows, but it’s not the same.

    • Jenny says:

      I would love that but it’s not up to me since I don’t own the shows. I guess Telepictures would rather spend their time & money on new shows than go through old ones (we taped over 2,000 shows!). But I will keep looking for old tapes and posting more and more clips of my favorites. I can’t find the one where Usher performed on my show – but I will find it!

      • Danny says:

        Well you are going to be one BUSY lady looking through all those boxes looking for shows and stuff wow. From what I remember your show had the best musical guest and anyone on this message board can agree. The your guest ( both music and ” regular people”) looked like they had a blast to be on your show. My Favorite musical guest were Coolio, ThreeSix Mafia, Amber, Lou Vega,.

        Gosh I also remember the show when you had MS. CLEO!!!
        memorable guest which had me rolling were “Wonder Weave” it was a lady who needed a Jenny Jones MAKEOVER bad! lol you guys made a video vingeatte/ skitt oh god that was VERY funny!! ( It had all my of my class laughing) yeah once in a while my teacher let us watch your show.

        PS. you guys should have a special section on here to talk about past shows and stuff that would be so fun.

  46. Rhonda says:

    Jenny, I didn’t know you appeared on Crosswits. You played very well on this. I was organizing my youtube channel and cleaning out some subscriptions I didn’t want anymore and I found this in my whammy83 channel, so my question is…
    How many gameshows did you appear on after becoming a comedian and before your talkshow?…

    Crosswits pt.1, 2 and 3

    Take care,

    • Jenny says:

      As a “celebrity guest” during my comedy years, I can’t remember them all, but probably a dozen or so… Hollywood Squares, Crosswits, Sweethearts, Win Lose or Draw, that’s all the names I can recall.

      • Rhonda says:

        Thanks for the reply, Jenny…
        Over at tvtalkshows.com a few years back they gave me the name “the peace maker” because I would attack back anyone being rude and disrespectful to another poster or to you. I would tell them you were the hippest talkshow host. After seeing you appear on these gameshows as a celebrity guest you seem hip for the 80’s as well. You really conquered these gameshows you appeared on. You were really good playing them 😉
        You draw a crowd young and old. My grandmother (she was 68 yrs old at the time, 10 years ago) went with us to Chicago and she loved your show…
        I would’ve loved to see your comedy acts “Live.” I love your humor 🙂

  47. Marilynn Sacker says:

    Hi Jenny
    I’ve been a fan for years, and met you many times when you worked with
    Engelbert Humperdinck. I never see you mention his name. I’ve been his
    Fan Club president for 38 years, here in Michigan, and remember seeing you and enjoying your routines when you opened for him. I remember one time you and your Mom were staying in a little Motel, in Port Huron, Michigan, and we were just a few rooms away. We caught you as you were leaving, and you said it was your Birthday!
    It looks like you are in a very “Happy Place” right now, as you deserve to be.
    I’m glad I found your site, its “fun”!!!

    • Jenny says:

      I remember that birthday in Port Huron because we had an outdoor barbeque to celebrate. Opening for Engelbert had a huge influence on me and my career because his mostly-female audience led me to developing Girls’ Night Out, comedy for women only, which then led to my talk show. His promo cards are in my “Playing Vegas” section on this website and he is also mentioned in my bio. I have much respect for him as a performer and for how he continually updates his show. (and still looks handsome as ever!)

  48. Cathy Pritchard says:

    Hello Jenny! I was delighted to find your web site, since I fondly remember watching your show. I am currently living in London, Ont after being transferred here from Toronto. It’s a nice place to live.

    My question….any inspiring words of wisdom for me, since I am living with a rare, life threatening disease called Scleroderma. Bob Saget’s sister died from it. I recently had to stop working (a sad moment for me) and need to find a way to occupy my time. I want to get into cooking, since I have lots of time in the day and am a single mom of a “starving all the time” teenaged boy. Any other ideas?

    • Jenny says:

      It seems to me that a healthy diet and lifestyle would benefit you and your son, but especially you. Since you’re cooking, maybe you could work on new recipes and share them on the internet with others dealing with scleroderma. If you have free time, volunteering is something meaningful you could do if you are able. I would also keep researching the internet for support and information to live the best life you can. Gee, I wish I had something brilliant to tell you but this is it. I wish you the best.

  49. K.Lynn says:

    Hi Jenny. I don’t have much of a question more of a statement. I just wanted to say I was a huge fan of your show and continue to be a fan of yours. I think this site is awesome that you are willing to share things about yourself with others and interact with your fans!!!

  50. Yazz says:

    Hi, Jenny,
    I have been a fan of yours for several years, and was sad not to see you on TV, anymore, so needless to say, when I came upon your site, I was extremely happy. My question is this, I am a freelance writer that is in the beginning stages of developing a blog site similar to yours, meaning, I only want to write personal blogs. I do not want to sell a product or anything of that nature. My problem is I suffer from writers block, I think! I am so intimidated by other more accomplished bloggers that I find it difficult to believe that I have anything to say, that people will be interested in, is this a normal way to think?

    • Jenny says:

      It’s so normal to have writer’s block – I have it all the time, with my blog and with any comedy material I have worked on in the past. One thing I have found is that I am most creative first thing in the morning, even before I get out of bed, my mind is most creative. Try writing first thing in the a.m., and keep going back to it again and again. I guess if it was easy, everyone would be doing it but don’t give up even if you have to copy someone else’s style until you find your own. (some of the most interesting stories are about everyday things we can all relate to) Good luck!

  51. Florencia Garcia says:

    Hi Jenny!

    I remember watching your show when I was in fifth or sixth grade and I loved it. I was sad when I found out that your show ended, but I’m glad you are still active and having your own YouTube channel and website. I subscribed to your YouTube channel and the blog as well and loved your videos. I never realized how great of a cook you are. :O

    I was wondering if you thought of owning your own restaurant. I saw that you wrote you don’t care much for eating out. If you did own a restaurant, I see a menu of guilt free foods like your own pepperoni pizza and chocolate pudding.

    What kind of music do you like to listen to? I love oldies music, classic rock, pop, dance, soul, doo-wop, and R&B. I don’t really care for the recent stuff.

    Kudos to you for healthy living as well. I can see it paid off for you in the long run. You look fantastic!

    I’m glad you’re still doing great and I wish you the best.


    • Jenny says:

      Funny you asked about a restaurant because I’ve thought of it so many times but wasn’t sure I wanted another full time job. I do wish there were more healthy places to eat. As for music, I’m with you – I like R&B, doo-wop, oldies, soul & gospel, but I also like some rap and pop music. And after hearing Lady Antebellum, I guess I like country, too.

      • Florencia Garcia says:

        Wow that’s really interesting! I don’t blame you on not being sure about it. I watch cooking shows and have seen all the hard work in managing it and things like that. Here in Chicago, I don’t see many healthy places myself and if you do find a restaurant, you’ll find a lot of McDonald’s, Subways, Popeye’s, and Burger Kings and smaller restaurants that have hot dogs, pizza, burgers, etc.

        I have a friend that likes Lady Antebellum as well and I remember she wrote that she went to a concert. I’m not really into country, but I do like Shania Twain’s music. Some rap music was okay from the early 2000’s, but I don’t listen to it anymore.

        I also really like the photography you took. Everything looked so incredible! I had Photography as a major in high school, but lost interest later on because I’m more interested in journalism and radio broadcasting, but taking pictures is still fun. Doing the photoshop stuff gets a bit boring and complicated.

  52. SERNECIA ROSS says:


    • Jenny says:

      I’ve been going through some old tapes so if you send me his name and whoever else appeared with him, I will keep an eye out. (I won’t post the names)

      • SERNECIA ROSS says:


  53. Jay says:

    O Wednesday, all the big 90s talk show hosts will be on Oprah. Why weren’t you included?

  54. Braden says:

    Hey Jenny! If I mail out my cookbook (er, YOUR cookbook) along with my self-addressed stamped envelope, would you be willing to sign that too?

  55. Rhonda says:

    Jenny, I read your latest Heroes donation and it’s made me want to ask you this question…
    I know you have actually went and surprised one of your Heroes at their home and was wondering once you get to a point with your donations with Jenny’s Heroes have you thought about meeting more of your Heroes face to face?…

  56. Rhonda says:

    Jenny are you able to check the link before posting it?

    It’s just I want you to be okay with it before throwing something out there for Kathy. It’s about you and implants…

  57. MrsNews says:


    I wanted to know what it is like to have implants. I want to have the genetic testing done for breast cancer. My mother died at the age of 38-39 with it. If I had to have my breasts removed I think I would want reconstructive surgery. I don’t like having a splinter in my finger because it doesn’t belong there. I just wondered if implants are hard to get use to? I think I would want to rip them out of my body. I wish they could just take the fat out of my hips and move to my breasts!!

    Just wondering..


    • Jenny says:

      Kathy, here is the reply I posted in the “Okay, I’m Going” blog on Aug. 23rd:
      “I don’t know about other women but my implants felt very weird. I always felt like I was carrying them around for somebody else. They eventually became hard so I had them removed years ago – they would have made good doorstops!”

      • MrsNews says:

        Thanks sorry I missed your answer…I get lost in here sometimes…my bad! I knew you had trouble with yours and had them removed. I have seen the look of implants but never had heard anyone say how they actually feel. I think it would be weird.

        Maybe someday they will figure out how to redistribute the fat in our bodies.

        Thanks for answering…sorry you had to do it 2x!!


    • Rhonda says:

      I know Jenny went public with having implants and I found this a while back and wanted to share it, because of your questions to Jenny about implants. She pretty much tells her experience here in an article from People magazine. Just click the “click to enlarge” link above Jenny’s picture and you can actually read her story page by page. Just click each page on the 2nd window that pops up…

      I have to respect you Jenny on this topic. That’s why I asked you first before linking Kathy. Please check first before posting it…


  58. Rhonda says:

    Jenny, I made the cake again and it’s alot better but I’m still not satisfied with the frosting. It looks more like yours in the book but not quite yet. Maybe next time use only sour cream and leave the milk out. I will be making this cake again maybe for thanksgiving if not before then, because it is a delicious cake and so moist 🙂
    I do have a question. I still think it has to do with the milk, so my question is…

    Do you use milk in making your frosting or do you use nothing but sour cream?

    • Jenny says:

      Rhonda, I agree that you should try not using milk or extra sour cream at the end. Your frosting may turn out just fine with only the initial 2 tablespoons of sour cream at the beginning. My recipe states to only use the extra sour cream or milk if needed, but it sounds like you won’t need it. As for mine, I always need a little extra milk at the end because otherwise, mine is too thick to spread. But too thick is better than too thin so definitely try not adding any extra milk or sour cream. As long as it’s spreadable, that’s all that matters, and make sure the cake is completely cool before frosting. Good luck!

      • Rhonda says:

        Thank you, Jenny 🙂
        I thought I had to use one or the other, so thank you for clearing that up for me. The cake is still good regardless of how the icing turns out. I just want the fluff to be there and this time it was in between. I will leave the milk and extra sour cream out next time. I’m determined to get this icing right 🙂

  59. Rhonda says:

    Jenny, I saw you do an interview with Howard Stern. He can be very blunt and straight forward and I remember him asking you about how you felt about Rosie Odonnell and her rude self dissing your show and you wouldnt say. Lots of other celebs have issues with Rosie being rude and speak out. I still wonder your thoughts about Rosie, but I guess you have enough respect even for her…
    I find Rosie loud and obnoxious and hold very little respect for her being so rude towards others, especially you. I’m thinking the reason she even attacked your show is because she felt threatened by what and who she was up against having her own new show, but my question is…

    How is it being interviewed by Howard Stern?

    • Jenny says:

      Howard Stern is actually a nice guy. Rosie is not.

      • Rhonda says:

        I like your style Jenny. Even to the most rudest people out there you still hold your posture and respect well 🙂
        I didnt expect you to even mention Rosie, but I’m glad you did 🙂
        I saw on ET (Entertainment Tonight) where she said things about your show. I try to over look her actions towards others. I believe she has major issues…
        I can only image how you must have felt. As a fan of yours it pissed me off to see her be so rude and talk alot of BS…
        Ive heard there is always someone out there bigger than you are and I think Rosie has met her match with Donald Trump 🙂
        By the way, I find Howard Stern being a nice guy as well. A little bit crazy at times, but a good guy 🙂

        Take care,

      • jen_with_relish says:

        OMG. I don’t know if I’m the only one who found the humor here, but you made me laugh out loud from my desk at work! Rosie is a man. lol.

        • Jenny says:

          It only took 8 months for somebody to get that. It’s good to know my efforts are appreciated. 🙂

          • Rhonda says:

            LOL!…I haven’t been here in a while and was reading what people were asking you and I had to stop here and reply. Too funny not to. I appreciate your humor, Jenny but dang you said it so well, it slipped right by me…lol…I was too focused on my comment and what I wanted to ask you…lol…sorry, I can’t stop laughing now 🙂
            Good one, Jenny… good one!!… 😆

  60. Nicole says:

    Jenny, I was wondering if you have ever been to Alaska? Somebody told me you did a stand up comedy show in Fairbanks and I said I didn’t think so. I’ve followed your career since Star Search and was just wondering.

    • Jenny says:

      I did work in Alaska, but it was in Anchorage back in the 80s. I performed standup comedy at a club there (can’t remember the name) but I fell in love with your state. I remember the days were very short and the sun barely came up – I think it was November – but it was beautiful there. My biggest treat was eating reindeer sausage. Thanks for asking.

  61. Rhonda says:

    Jenny, meatloaf is my favorite meal as well, and company loves it, so Ive decided to make it for my sister and family, but meatloaf can be made so many different ways, so my question is…

    How do you make your meatloaf (just the ingredients)?…

    • Jenny says:

      My meatloaf is the most raved about recipe in my cookbook. If you have the book, it’s on page 120. If not, just let me know & I will post the ingredients. It’s really really good.

      • Rhonda says:

        Sorry Jenny and thank you…
        I do have your cookbook. As soon as I posted, it dawned on me that it might be in your cookbook. Ive been wanting to get your cookbook out anyway and look through it, wasnt sure if the meatloaf recipe was in there, thats why I asked you about it. Going now to read some of your recipes 🙂
        I had it put away so it wouldnt get dusty and messed up. Kinda like you are with the new mixer…
        Meatloaf is everybody’s favorite meal here and they expect it when it’s dinner at our house 🙂
        I wanted to start trying your recipes and I thought..Great timing to make Jenny’s meatloaf…

        • Jenny says:

          Rhonda, thanks for the great photos of your (my!) meatloaf and cake. I am not technically able to post photos in the comments pages but the meatloaf looked exactly like mine so it must have been delicious as well as nutritious. Judging by the photo of your sweet potato chocolate cake, I’d agree that you either didn’t allow the cake to cool completely, or you might have added too much milk to the frosting. Sometimes, as little as an extra teaspoon of liquid can make your frosting too runny. I hope you’ll try it again.

          • Rhonda says:

            I plan on making the cake again to do it exactly like yours. If I can get the meatloaf right just like yours. I’m sure I can do the frosting… I was really proud of myself when I saw it after taking it out of the oven. I said, “Perfect! it looks just like the picture in the book” and it was really good 🙂
            I had a small piece left of the cake latenight, so I ate it with a cup of 1% milk and Yum! 🙂 There’s no more cake left 🙁
            I have a small piece of meatloaf left after taking some to work Wednesday and it still looks and smells good. We keep leftovers up to 2 days after the 3rd day we usually throw out, so my question is…

            How long do you keep leftovers before throwing them out?…

            I saw other recipes I want to try making 🙂
            Your cookbook rocks, Jenny. I love it!

            Take care,

      • Rhonda says:

        I looked through you cookbook and I have a question about one of the ingredients in your meatloaf recipe. I use bread crumbs in my meatloaf and your recipe calls for quick-cooking oats. Would that be any brand, but not instant? Ive never used oats in meatloaf before and I want to make this exactly the way you make it and by the way it looks really good 🙂

        Oh and Jenny I’m making the Sweet Potato Chocolate Cake for dessert 🙂
        I love carrot cake and yours sounds really good, but having carrots in the meatloaf, which Ive never put in a meatloaf before, wouldnt be a good combination I dont think, so I went with the chocolate cake…

        • Jenny says:

          I use Quaker Quick 1-Minute Oats. I think you’ll love this meat loaf.

          • Rhonda says:

            That’s exactly what I used 🙂 I kinda knew that’s what you used, but was double checking. I really dont want to goof up this meatloaf, because I think its a family meal everyone loves 🙂
            I made the cake, but I think I frosted it too soon, but it looks and smells really good. My mom went to check on it when it was almost done and her reply was…Oh boy!…lol…she loves yams and sweet potato and so do I…
            My sister was suppose to be here at 6:30 and its now 7:04 to be exact. She needs to hurry, because this meatloaf is very tempting 🙂
            Oh and Jenny I took a picture of it to send to you late and it looks just like the phtot in your book. I followed it step by step but of course I read how to from start to finish first before starting it…
            Now I’m off to clean the clean up and wait for my sister to get here and then meal time…
            I do have a question…
            Can I just send the photo to the blog buddie address? YES, YOU CAN, j.

  62. Rhonda says:

    My sister knows someone who is trying to grow pineapple from a fresh pineapple. I didnt believe it, so of course I go searching about it and it’s true…
    I have a question Jenny…
    Do you have live house plants or is all your plants outside?

  63. Lilly says:

    Do you make sweet potato fries? If so, got a good recipe?

    • Jenny says:

      I have never made them but if I did, I would make them like I do my oven fries. Lightly coat them with olive oil, salt & pepper, then bake on a lightly greased baking sheet at 450 or 475 degrees for about 30 – 45 minutes, turning a couple of times until they are golden brown. This is nothing unique but it’s what I would do.

  64. Rhonda says:

    Playing your mystery game lastnight I looked at your “Inside My Home” photos and noticed you had a piano (nice home by the way)…
    So my question is…

    Why no drums?

    • Jenny says:

      I still play piano occasionally but it’s mostly decorative. I like putting picture frames on it but they would just slide off the drums. Actually, I gave my drums to a friend with a recording studio. They were taking up a lot of space and Bon Jovi must have lost my number because he never called…

      • Rhonda says:

        What! Bon Jovi? He’s really a nice looking man. I had him stapled all over my wall when I was a teen. Yeah he was a teen heart throb back in the day…lol…I also liked Scott Baio and John Stamos as a teen…
        Yeah Jenny, I dont think the drums could hold a picture and you dont want a mess either. The piano is pretty sitting by the window…
        I watched the “Drummer Girl” video the other night also and wanted to ask you about the drums. In the video with the drums you really are awesome, Jenny. I think I remember seeing that from your show. I can tell you enjoy playing them. Youre actually just as good, if not better, than some of these drummers out there from rock bands…
        I’m sure youre just as good on the piano 🙂

        How long did it take you to teach yourself the drums?

        • Jenny says:

          I taught myself to play in 3 months. I wasn’t great but I got a job with a band because I was a girl, but I worked at night and practiced all day and got better quickly. In less than a year, I could play like most guys.

          • Rhonda says:

            Wow! That’s amazing, Jenny. 3 months is not a long time if you think about it. I take it youre a fast learner. When you set your mind to doing it you just do it…
            You do play the drums well and you dont see many females playing drums and its awesome to see you play as good as you do. I agree you do play better than most guys. You really rock on those drums and have fun doing it as far as I can see from the video…
            Was there a time when you wanted to give up playing and learning or did you just push forward with getting it right?

  65. Diana says:

    Hey Jenny,
    When your second cookbook comes out, will you be doing any appearances/meet & greets at any bookstores to get a signed copy of it?

  66. Rhonda says:

    LOL…you really crack me up, Jenny. I swear…lol…
    Okay I have a question…
    Ive read on here where youve told people youve turned do jobs after your talkshow and my question is…

    What type of jobs have you turned down after your Talkshow ended?…

    • Jenny says:

      I routinely get contacted for a variety of projects, mostly hosting jobs for new talk shows or reality shows just starting up. I also get offers for infomercials, was approached by a tabloid to write an advice column and how about this: a celebrity weight loss show called! (note to self: learn how to use the slimming tool in Photoshop!)

      • Rhonda says:

        What! No gameshow or cooking show offers?..j/k…but I think you would do well working either one. I’m glad though you decided to do a cookbook and then a 2nd one. I cant wait to get the 2nd one…
        Being a celebrity and working on tv keeps you from things youve always loved doing, I’m sure, so I dont blame you for turning down offers. Its time to play catch up, Jenny and it seems like youre doing just that 🙂

  67. Will says:

    Hi Jenny,
    What are your memories from being on Match Game? I still watch that show in reruns.
    How did you manage to get on so many game shows?

    • Jenny says:

      Living in L.A. helps but you can only appear on three game shows in your lifetime – that’s the rule. I know they look for people with lots of energy so I was upbeat when I tried out but I was very nervous on the show. It was surreal hearing that familiar theme music and actually being there. It was 1982 and my intent was to try to win enough money to quit my day job and go into standup comedy full time and that’s exactly what happened. How lucky was I to get such an easy question and to get Betty White!

      • Rhonda says:

        Jenny, I watch GSN sometimes and oneday I was watching Press Your Luck and you were on there. Surprised me. Wasnt expecting to see you. It was kinda odd though after seeing you on a talkshow and then I see you appearing on this gameshow. Which seeing you on Press Your Luck, I try watching Match Game reruns to see if I can catch a rerun of you on that but with no luck yet…
        When I heard Bob Barker was retiring I thought…”Wow! Jenny would be perfect to host The Price Is Right. I can remember you making a remark that you want to host a gameshow. I dont remember the show you said it on but I remember you saying it watching your talkshow oneday…

  68. Braden says:

    Your favorite place to visit on the web (other than JJs.com)?

    • Jenny says:

      There isn’t one I go to more than others but I visit lots of cooking sites, news, health, etc. because I like to learn. I’ve expanded my knowledge of so many things thanks to the internet. I also look up the menu before going to a restaurant. Oh, and shopping! In my pajamas. There’s always parking here at home, no lines, and they always have my size.

  69. Rhonda says:

    How is you Heroes donation going? When will you be finished with it?…

    • Jenny says:

      I hope to never be finished with Jenny’s Heroes. It’s brings me so much joy that I plan to continue indefinitely. I’m part way through the second million and will add more when needed.

      • Rhonda says:

        Wow! That’s alot to give but if youre okay financially and you have the money to do it and you enjoy it then good for you. It has to bring joy in your life to do something so kind. I love that about you. You do care about people and the donations you give to people really show the type of caring person you are 🙂
        It’s really heart touching to see you give away some much to others with having Jenny’s Heroes. Youre such an awesome, caring and kind hearted person…
        {{{Hugs}}} to ya, Jenny for being such a sweetheart to others…

        Take care,

  70. Rhonda says:

    Did you recieve the gifts and cards fans sent you while doing your show?…
    I’ve sent you things and just wondered if you ever recieved them…
    Here’s what I sent you… “Marilyn Monroe cookie jar” and I also crocheted you a blanket with your name on it (blocked letters)….

    • Jenny says:

      I’m sorry to say I did not receive them. I’m not sure what was ever done with items that were sent and I suppose there were some security reasons for that. I’m sorry to tell you that.

      • Rhonda says:

        Aww Jenny, no need to be sorry. I understand. You were only being honest about it and I appreciate that you even answered me back. It keeps me from wondering if you got them or not. Thank you for telling me 🙂

        I actually was warned they might not get to you, but I wanted to send them just incase there was a chance you recieved things from fans…

        Take care,

  71. Braden says:

    We’ve been going through your granola like mad… I can’t keep up with it! It should be possible to do 2 batches at 1 time, correct (on two separate pans)?

    • Jenny says:

      It just so happens that this was my morning to make granola, so I tried it. It worked great. I mixed everything in one huge bowl, set my oven racks from the bottom up at #2 and #5 (I have 6 settings) and it took about 4-5 minutes longer. But it’s important to swap the baking sheets halfway, moving the upper one down and the lower one up; otherwise, the bottom granola will be overdone. I swapped mine at the first stirring at 20 minutes. Keep a close eye on it since your oven may be different. Let me know how it turns out.

      • Braden says:

        Worked like a charm. Thanks for trying it for me!!! Only problem was I used two different kinds of pans – a traditional half size sheet pan and a wilton non-stick dark 1/2 sheet – the wilton pan baked a lot more quickly than the regular. No big deal. I’ve also been playing with the recipe – adding vanilla and cinnamon gives it that little extra something.

  72. Braden says:

    When are new videos coming? Love “cooking with Jenny”

  73. Tommy says:

    Having lived in Chicago for your show, what were some of your favorite places to visit there? (Or also any hot spots you enjoyed in the Chicago suburbs, as well). Thanks!

    • Jenny says:

      I loved my time in Chicago and have wonderful memories from my twelve years there. My show taped at NBC Studios downtown so I spent a lot of time on Michigan Avenue. Wow, there is so much to do & see there! My favorite thing was riding my bike along the lake and riding through Lincoln Park, stopping at the zoo. Some of my favorite places to go were Water Tower Mall, Navy Pier, and all the great places on Michigan Avenue, like Garrett’s Popcorn (yum!). Favorite restaurants were Papagus (Greek but no longer there), Maggiano’s, Pot Bellies for subs, and Benihana, where I used to bring the show staff for fun dinners. In the suburbs, Denis and I loved visiting Woodstock to walk around the square and then go to Blain’s Farm & Fleet. We used to get frozen custard at Julie Ann’s but it closed. Then we discovered Culver’s for an occasional splurge. We also liked antiquing in Richmond and I took lots of pictures at the Volo Bog. Chicago is the best!!! Chicago audiences were the best!

  74. Rhonda says:

    I just got back from a Cruise to Grand Cayman and Cozumel Mexico. Have you ever been on a Cruise before Jenny? If so, where to?…


    • Jenny says:

      I love cruising – the hotel goes with you. I worked as a comic on cruise ships in the Caribbean, and later Denis and I have cruised to:
      the Greek Islands
      the Far East
      New England & the Maritime Provinces
      Russia & Scandinavia
      Great Britain
      the Mediterranean

      • Rhonda says:

        Oh wow, Jenny. I dont remember reading that you did that in your book. Something new to me and it’s cool to know you’ve done stand up on a Cruiseline. I saw 2 comedy shows during my trip. Also had pictures taken with them. Allan Ball which has been seen on BET and Ken Miller which was seen on Comedy Central. Dont know if you know them, but they were both good shows…

        There were 19 of us and we want to do it again, but we want beach time. We didnt port around the beach area and we missed it more than anything. Everything else was great. The most nicest and respectful crew members on Carnival 🙂

        I would love to take a cruise to Alaska…
        I have pictures to share and will put them in an album and maybe a slideshow on my page (myspace)…

  75. Will says:

    OK Jenny, I’ll ask. Why do you always carry a tape measure?

    • Jenny says:

      I could give you five occasions right off the bat when my litle tape measure has saved the day:
      1. Shopping for just the right size rug.
      2. “Isn’t that lamp too tall to fit in my dressing area?”
      3. Buying floor mats that fit.
      4. Making sure the drawer pull I bought is long enough to come out the other end.
      5. Settling a dispute about the size of a TV at Best Buy.
      (I’d carry a whole tool box if I could!)

    • Jenny says:

      One more use for the tape measure in my purse… I just baked an apple pie and my pie container is not tall enough so I’m heading out to the Container Store in Century City to get a new pie holder that’s at least 4 inches tall. I will make sure it’s tall enough with my… trusty tape measure!

  76. Sherrie Hayden says:

    Hi Jenny!
    Do you practice relaxation techniques? If so what methods do you use? I have tried many since being diagnosed with Dermatomyositis and they don’t work for me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank You,

    • Jenny says:

      I looked up your condition and it looks like it can be quite challenging. I wish I had more to offer but there are only two things I do physically to relax or de-stress. If I feel mentally overwhelmed, I walk. A brisk walk with an iPod seems to clear my head and the endorphins help my mood. When I feel physical pain or stiffness, I stretch. I suppose it’s like yoga but I’ve put together my own set of nice and easy stretches and when I’m done, I just lay flat on the floor(mat) and it feels great, very relaxing. I also relax with my hobbies, cooking and taking pictures. I know this is nothing original but it’s what works for me.

  77. Will says:

    Besides your sister, what do you miss about Canada?
    Do you go there sometimes?

    • Jenny says:

      I miss so many things about Canada, like the stunning maple trees in the fall, the smell of MacIntoch apples at the farmer’s market, seeing the Royal Canadian Mounted Police during special events, butter tarts, Canadian money (they come in colors), speaking French, the farms in Ontario, our pretty flag, and those friendly Canadian people. I get there every couple of years. Oh, Canada!

      • Rhonda says:

        Ive always wanted to go to Canada. Just reading your post Jenny sounds so pretty and relaxing. Maybe someday…


  78. Braden says:

    What is next for you, Miss Jones?

    • Jenny says:

      Next? I’m trying to work on another cookbook, this one on healthy cookies only. I don’t really want to work on TV so I’ve turned down all offers that have come my way. I would not want anything to interfere with my Heroes grants, so that’s kind of my full time job now and I plan to continue as long as I can.

  79. Lilly says:

    Are there any tips you know of to keep cool during the hot summer months and not use the air conditioner?

    • Jenny says:

      I wish I had some great ideas for staying cool, like keep your underwear in the fridge. Two ideas come to mind. One: In the evening when the air is cooler outside than inside the house, you can use an electric fan but instead of bringing the cooler air inside, turn it around and send the warmer air outside. I tried that and it is more effective. Two: Some appliances generate an unbelievable amount of heat. We had an ice-maker and if you stood close to it, it felt like a space heater. I got rid of it. So I’d say any appliance you can live without in the summer, I would turn it off. Beyond that, only the obvious like wear loose cotton clothing, keep the blinds closed, and if you can afford it, putting a filter on your windows, like they do on cars. It really does cut down the heat, and you can do it without the dark tint. I hope that helps. Oh, and fire up the grill & don’t cook inside.

  80. MrsNews says:

    Hi Jenny, I was just wondering if people still recognize you or do you downplay yourself so that you can fit in? When you were at the Veterans Hospital did you introduce yourself as Jenny Jones or just Jenny?

    I am currently volunteering for Hospice in the Kansas City area and talking to people and putting a smile on their face is my goal. I bet you could put a smile on anyone’s face.

    It is really strange but when I found your website I felt as though I had found a long lost friend. I enjoy reading your blog, maybe one day I will share mine with you!!


    • Rhonda says:

      I respect you dearly MrsNews. My dad was sent home with Hospice back in October 2009. He passed at the end of the month. Lived 3 weeks and Hospice came out for comfort and did a really great job during our hard time with dad. I still feel that void from time to time but things are okay with me for the most part. I know where he is and he’s at peace with God and I will see him again someday…
      I give you alot of credit for what you do for families who need this type of support and service. People really need people like you for the comfort not only for the sick but for the family as well. It’s tuff for everyone…
      What actually do you do for Hospice? If you dont mind me asking…

      Oh and by the way Jenny could you tell me how much sugar and cocoa to use to make your fat free chocolate milk?

      • Jenny says:

        I make my chocolate milk this way:
        Stir together in a glass to dissolve:
        —–1 teaspoon unsweetened cocoa
        —–1 1/2 teaspoons sugar
        —–2 teaspoons hot water
        —–1 1/4 cups cold 1% milk
        —–1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract
        But you can use more or less of anything. I don’t like mine too sweet so let me know if you like it.

        • Rhonda says:

          Thank you, Jenny. I’m going shopping tomorrow and I will let you know how I like your chocolate milk. If its anything like your banana bread and cabbage rolls, I’m sure I’ll like it, but we’ll see…


      • MrsNews says:

        Thanks Rhonda, death is part of life and it can be peaceful and heart breaking at the same time. I am there to relieve the family so they can run errards or just have time to breathe. It doesn’t seem like much but I look forward to listening to what the patients have to say. I want to learn about their lives and stories. It will be a learning experience for me. I will blog all of my experiences.

        Thank you for asking for our help, my heart goes out to you and your family.


        • Rhonda says:

          Your welcome, Kathy. It is peaceful, heart breaking and spiritual as well all at the sametime. There were a few of us who felt the spiritual side. The one’s who didnt feel that side of my dad passing wasnt with him day in and day out and all night. Feeling the spiritual side of death helps the ones left behind mourn and coupe with the lost I think. It might sound crazy to some people what I’m saying here, but Ive talked to people outside the family and they have experienced the spiritual side of a passing family member as well. Working where you do, have you ever had anyone talk to you about the spiritual side? I hope you understand what I’m talking about when I say “spiritual side”…


    • Jenny says:

      Kudos for being a volunteer. As for my being recognized, no one really looks twice at me without makeup and my hair in a pony tail. Sometimes my voice gives me away. When I give a name, it’s usually my legal name which is Janina.

      • MrsNews says:

        I love that! You just go as yourself!! I think I would recognize your smile!! Thanks for taking the time to visit with the soldiers!

  81. Jay says:

    You’ve mentioned being raised Catholic, do you still follow that faith in some form? Also what advice would you have for those who would love to host a talk show one day?

    • Jenny says:

      I did go to a Catholic school run by nuns and went to church (& confession) regularly but have gotten away from going. I actually wanted to be a nun until I hit puberty and realized that nuns don’t date. As for hosting a talk show, most people get into it from other careers in TV or entertainment, like comedians, singers, news reporters, even actors. So my best advice is to pursue a career or sideline that gets you out there (anyone can try stand up comedy), practice actually doing interviews on tape, and get yourself on the internet to be seen. If you’re creative, you’ll stand out. Hosting is not as easy as it looks. Imagine doing an interview, actually listening and asking follow-up questions, while producers are giving you signals and cue cards, etc. It’s hard to practice that anywhere. After 10 years in stand up, I was as prepared as I could be when my shot came. I hope that helps.

    • MrsNews says:

      I also was raised Catholic attending grade school with the nuns. I no longer attend church. As an adult I have tried many churches but I just don’t fit in anywhere. I have my own relationship with God I just don’t have the middleman anymore!


  82. Will says:

    Hi Jenny. I totally respect your privacy but you said to ask you anything.
    So, without getting too specific, what does your boyfriend do for a living?
    Secondly, what do you think about the mess Sarah Ferguson has gotten herself into. Did you ever interview her?
    Enjoying your site. I used the tin foil trick when I roasted a chicken last week. I worked great. Thank you!

    • Jenny says:

      I never interviewed Sarah Ferguson but it’s always disappointing when public figures get caught in their bad behavior and refuse to take personal responsibility. If her excuse that she was drunk is supposed to exonerate her, we should try that in court. “Your honor, I realize that three people were killed in that car accident, but it wasn’t my fault. You see I was drunk at the time.” Com’on! To make things worse, she will probably be rewarded for this with her own reality show.

      My boyfriend of over 25 years worked as a location manager when we first met, then a production manager at Disney. After that he produced some documentary films and now he spends his days in the back yard barking at the deer… 🙂

  83. Diana says:

    I know you LOVE to cook and make new recipes, however, do you eat out at all whether it be fast food or a restaurant? And if so, where do you like to dine out?

    • Jenny says:

      The truth is I don’t like to eat out. I like simple, healthy, home cooking – peasant food if you will – so the fancy places are usually too frou-frou for me with sauces or reductions of something, with food that’s usually better decorated than it tastes. And too rich. I never eat at fast food places like McDonalds but if I don’t feel like cooking we usually go to a hole-in-the-wall Asian place. For that I like California Wok (healthy Chinese) and San Sai (healthy Japanese). Luckily, L.A. has some healthy fast-food type places like Baja Fresh (Mexican) which I like. I also enjoy Benihana. If I have to go to a regular restaurant, I prefer Daily Grill for a good hamburger. I can also be talked into Italian because they sometimes have good salads. When I have to eat out, I miss my salads the most! Call me crazy, but I love just lettuce. Denis calls it a honeymoon salad: “Lettuce Alone.”

      • Diana says:

        is this one of the reasons why you look so young? Seems like you eat pretty healthy! I like baja fresh also, ill have to try some of those places soon! I too like to keep things healthy…well at times…haha! As far as Italian food goes have you ever been to Bucca Di Beppos? Their food is amazing. Also, have you ever been to chicken dijon? they have a great chicken salad, which has rice and croutons as well and comes with pita bread.

        • Jenny says:

          I like Bucca di Beppo – it’s especially fun with a group – but have not tried Dijon Chicken. I looked them up and it sounds good except it’s so far away from here. If I get to West L.A. I will definitely try it out. The menu sounds great, thanks.

  84. Diana says:

    Hey Jenny!
    I was a huge fan of your show! What are some of your favorite movies, food, and clothing brands? 🙂

    • Jenny says:

      Good one, Diana. Let’s see…
      Clothing brands? I don’t care much about famous brand names but comfort matters. I wear Jockey underwear, Merrell shoes, stretch jeans by either Christopher Blue or “Not Your Daughter’s Jeans,” and I get my t-shirts at the Gap and Target. I like soft clothes like Karen Kane and I also like shirts by Mossimo Supply at Target.

      Food? I LOVE good food and I love to cook. My favorites are my own homemade pizza (video coming soon), Polish food like pierogi & cabbage rolls, my short ribs, pancakes, and sweet potato chocolate cake. Going out, I prefer Thai or Mexican, or a good burger. For some reason, I love salads and I can eat watermelon until I hurt.

      Movies? I love comedies, like Dumb & Dumber, My Cousin Vinny, Deuce Bigelow – Male Gigolo, the Hangover, Bird Cage, Boat Trip. Mostly, these are fun movies with heart and with a positive message in the end. I don’t care much for Chic Flicks or movies showing violence, except when Mo hits Curly with a broom… nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!

  85. Brian says:

    Who was your most memorable guest on your show?

    Would you ever consider going back to a daily talk show?

    • Jenny says:

      My most memorable guest? That’s a tough one… there were so many amazing guests but I can tell you the studio audience’s favorite guest and that was “Rude Jude.” Almost every show someone in the audience would say, “Is Rude Jude here?” I always felt bad when I had to say “No, not today.” He was by far their most favorite.

      As for another talk show, I have turned down all offers and have no desire to go back on television. I feel so blessed for my good fortune and would rather spend my days sharing it with others through Jenny’s Heroes, and trying to get another cookbook done. A day doesn’t go by that I don’t stop to appreciate all I have and how lucky I am.

      • Rhonda says:

        Oh no somebody took my question but thats okay I had back-up…lol…
        by the way, Jan and Tyler is my favorite. Very first show I saw was of those 2…

        I had posted that you look 20 years younger, so my question is:

        Do you feel as young as you look?

  86. Josh says:

    Oh Jenny how Happy I am to hear that you liked damages.
    I don’t watch TV really but that is one show that I do watch.
    I swear from the moment it starts to the moment it ends I am on the edge of my seat!
    Glenn is amazing on it and her character gives curela a run for her money 🙂
    I hope it comes back for a fourth season!!

    Do you have any knowledge in tofu?
    I would love to see a how to on it.
    I’m always looking for new ways to make it.
    I would love to learn how to cook it like they do in Chinese restaurants.

    • Jenny says:

      Josh, I can’t help you with the tofu, sorry. I’m not vegetarian but I have tried it and found it kind of blah. But I commend you if you don’t eat meat, or just for eating tofu which is a good source of protein and other nutrients. You’ll probably live longer than the rest of us. I’m just not committed enough to give up an occasional steak so I do the best I can. I love good food… and sweets. If I’m ever on death row and offered a last meal, it’s gonna be a cake.

  87. marty milus says:

    Did you hang out at the Whisky a go go back in the 60’s Were you a fan of Buffalo Springfeild? Do you personaly know Neil Young?

    • Jenny says:

      In the 60s, I was on the road playing drums in a lounge band with our home base in Las Vegas. I didn’t move to L.A. until the 70s but I have never been to the Whiskey. I was not a big Buffalo Springfield fan but here’s who I really liked:
      the Four Tops
      Dusty Springfield
      the Bee Gees
      Aretha Franklin
      Mamas & Papas (loved Cass Elliot’s voice)
      Roy Orbison
      the Temptations
      Smokey Robinson (I opened for him in Atlantic City!)
      I’ve never met Neil Young but like his music, especially now. His song, “Harvest Moon” brings me to tears every time.

  88. Ryan says:


    I LOVED your talk show. It seems like it ended so abruptly. I remember when Sally went off the air, she did goodbye episodes for several weeks. Were you given a long time to wrap-up the show, or was it all a whirlwind?

    • Jenny says:

      I would have loved to have done weeks of goodbye shows but unfortunately, we were abruptly canceled to make room for Sharon Osborne, who only lasted one season. If not for that, my show might still be on the air. We had very little time to wrap up so you’re right, it was a whirlwind of finalizing, packing up furniture & equipment, moving out of the offices, things went into storage, and I moved back to L.A. (after just renewing my condo lease in Chicago!) Oh well, it was still a great run and I’m very appreciative of my good fortune.

  89. Lilly says:

    What TV shows do you currently watch?

    • Jenny says:

      I like Glee, Modern Family, Big Bang Theory, 48 Hours Mystery, the Soup, and America’s Test Kitchen. I can’t think of anything else. Prime time dramas don’t interest me much, although I did like Damages. I avoid the news because it’s usually bad so I choose the news I want on the internet. Oh, and I used to like Ugly Betty. I don’t have the patience to sit still for much television – unless there’s a Three Stooges marathon!

  90. Becky says:

    Ok Jenny, I’ll bite….why do you always have a tape measure on hand? Do I really wanna know? LOL! Here’s a few others:

    1. Why can’t women put on their mascara with their mouth closed?
    2. Why is the person who invests all your money called a broker?
    3. Why is it that, when you’re driving around, looking for an address, that you turn the volume down on the radio?

    “If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?”


    • Jenny says:

      Your comment came in on my Blackberry while I was at Nordstrom with my stepmom. We were looking at some awesome gladiator shoes with a heel so high my back hurt just to look at them. “Those heels must be 6-inches high,” she said. “They look like at least five to me,” I said. Then I whipped out my trusty tape measure, confirming my 5-inch estimate when the sales guy came over. “How about those 6-inch heels?” he said. It figures he over-estimated the number of inches.

      p.s. Loved your other questions. Here’s one: Why do they call it MEN-opause?

      • Becky says:

        Why DO they call it menopause? I’m guessing because every other horrible disease name was already used…lol…
        I’m so glad that the tape measure comes in handy…you are a riot, lady!

        “Why don’t you ever see the headline “Psychic Wins Lottery?”

        Until next time!

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