Sep 09, 2012

Sue needs our prayers

“Jenny, my beautiful niece, Jessica, has been diagnosed with a very rare disease called Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome. She is 100 lbs now and is 5′6″. I went to visit her this morning and all I can ask for is more prayers for her. I am so heart broken, she is so positive and I am too! But it is a very serious digestive disorder and the more prayers..the better!! I love you my Jess! ….Aunt Suzy”

“I just wanted to show you how beautiful she is.  This is her before she got sick. She is the one with the leather jacket that I bought her last Christmas. Next to her is my other niece Kiersten and Kyle my nephew in the back. I am so concerned about her I can’t stop crying. She is my sweetheart Jenny.  She is so positive about what is going on.  God Bless her!! Thank you for your prayers!!”

“p.s. She had a craving for a smoothie and I remembered your video and we are taking her one. Keep the prayers coming friends please!  …Sue”


14 Comments on “Sue needs our prayers”

  1. sue says:

    I thought I would just check in before I leave for work and I want to express my deepest gratitude to all of you. What great people you all are. Thank you so much for praying for her. She still hasn’t been able to put any weight on. She looks severely anorexic. On the other hand, she is keeping everything down.

    P.S. Josh I wish I could have seen that show.

    Thanks again for such beautiful comments and prayers from all of you. I have been printing them out for Jess since she doesn’t have a computer in the hsp. She is so grateful!!

    Love from Sue and Jess

  2. Stephanie says:

    Sue, we will keep you and your lovely niece in our prayers.

  3. Josh says:

    Just last week, I saw SMA Syndrome on mystery diagnosis. It seems difficult to diagnosis. I’m sorry she has to go through this, and I know its got to be really hard for you too, but stay strong and positive. You’re niece will be in my prayers as will the rest of your family.

  4. Ruth says:

    As with all the others, my prayers are with Jessy and the rest of her family. Keep up the positive attitude Sue, and it will become contagious to everyone around you.(Specifically Jessy).

  5. Becky says:

    Sue, I am SO terribly sorry to hear of this!!!! Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you and all your family as you deal with this terrible disease.
    Much love & much healing!!!!!! xox

  6. sue says:

    Wow! Thank you Jenny for posting this blog. Jessy was able to keep down her lunch today although she was only able to eat half. She loved the smoothie!! In the picture she is 130 lbs. Normal weight for her height at 5’6″.

    Thank you Mrs. News, Joe and Rhonda. This is a very serious disease. The more prayers the better.

    Again Jenny, Thank you for this!!!


  7. mrsnews says:

    I just said a prayer for all of you. I hope your niece feels better soon. Keep us updated.

    Thinking of you

  8. Joe says:

    Sue, I am so sorry to hear about your niece and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  9. Rhonda says:

    It’s seems you are very close to her, Sue. I would do anything for my nieces and nephews. They are precious to me as I sense your niece is to you. Sorry to hear the news as well. Many prayers go out to your niece. Stay strong for her, Sue…
    Take care and have a great week everyone. 🙂

  10. Tiffie says:

    I just said a prayer for her, as well. I’ll keep saying many more.


  11. Jenny says:

    Sue, I’m so sorry to hear this. She will be in my prayers.

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