Sep 15, 2012

Sue asks, “Please pray for Teka”

Sue sent this sad note today…

“Good Lord Jenny does it ever end!! Teka has just been diagnosed with a splenetic tumor!!  She went to the vet last evening and they called us back this evening with the results of her blood work. She has elevated levels in her liver and kidneys which means that her cancer has spread  Our hearts are so heavy right now. I hate to ask again, but please friends pray for her. We lost our first dog, Sheba, from this disease. I can’t believe this is happening again!! We took her for a 5k walk this morning and she wanted to keep going. Kya saw my jeep and ran for it!!

I’m so sorry to bring sadness to your website again, but you all know how much my dogs mean to me. Sorry JJ but please pray for her. Unlike Jess, this is cancer and it has a very low survival rate. I have to take off Monday to take her for an ultrasound. With that we will know where it has spread. Ugggghhhh!!! Just Pray friends!! Again, I’m sorry to be so depressing and needy!!”

Filed Under: General

22 Comments on “Sue asks, “Please pray for Teka””

  1. Heather says:

    I just saw the post. Sorry about Teka. My dogs are my life too! I will keep praying for her. If you need anything or any advice let me know. I work as a vet tech and run a dog rescue. How has she been doing?

  2. sue says:

    Jenny I wanted to thank you again for this. Please don’t think that you have to stay here on this blog. I went to work today and got home about an hour ago. Raining like crap here!!! All the prayers that are going to be said for my beautiful Teka are being said. I know this has touched your heart because you are just that kind of special person as well as all of the friends here who write and some just read the blogs. Thanks again JJ and everyone for your love for Teka and all the special thoughts and prayers and wishing for miracles!! I will keep you posted. And I know that you will all feel my pain and be with me in your hearts when this disease finally takes her. Thanks again!! All my love, Sue

  3. sue says:

    Jenny as my mom talked to me this afternoon she said “Why do we even bother adopting dogs into our lives?” And I replied, ” if you think for a second I would ever give up the past 12 years that we had her in our lives you’re crazy!” She said, ” yes Suzy, I would rather take the LOVE then the emptiness!” Our dogs give us so much love and joy especially for people like me who were never able to have kids. I went through something very traumatic as a kid and was never able to conceive, but I have seven nieces and nephews who own my heart as much as my own children, Sheba, Teka and Kya. Love you all! Sue

    • Tiffie says:

      Sue, I’m so sorry to read all of this. This is one of the toughest things to go through. A week ago Sunday, a family member went through a very similar situation. My heart breaks for anyone who has to deal with this. You have done such an amazing thing for your girls by giving them the love, support, & friendship you & Mike have. Please, take care & my heart goes out to the four of you.


  4. sue says:

    Well everyone sad news 🙁 I just picked up Teka and she has a large mass on her liver so an operation is not recommended. She acts very normal and is not showing signs at this point of pain. We are just going to enjoy every last day with her and please keep her in your prayers! Wow does this hurt!!


    • Josh says:

      I’m so sorry Sue. My cousin’s dog passed last year from cancer. It was a shock because no one knew about it because he seemed fine. We only learned about the cancer from the vet.

      You might do a search for homeopathic cancer treatment in dogs. This is also a product called “life Gold” it’s supposed to help manage the symptoms.
      I’m so sorry about Teka and we all are here for you!

      • sue says:

        I am already online Josh looking for natural healing for her. My oldest brother is an herbalist and has been suggesting coral calcium for her and I take it myself. I have given her a pill a day since Saturday. They have Cancer treatment Centers of America which I am sure everyone has seen and they heal cancer through mostly all natural healing. Since Teka is not showing many signs at this time, I am going to give it everything I have to save her life. Thanks for your friendship and suggestions. It really means alot to me!


    • Jenny says:

      Sue, I’m so very sorry. I don’t know what else to say… except we are all feeling your pain.

      • sue says:

        Thanks so much Jenny! Me and Mike appreciate your love and friendship more than you know! I don’t know either what to say but ‘God please don’t let her die”. Mike is trying not to show his fear. We are slow at work finally and they all know how sad I am. I get 25 days off a year and still have 15 days off till January 1st. I’m just so sad that I may take off tomorrow. Working for a funeral home doesn’t help my friend 🙁 Teka is very afraid of thunder and lightening and it is going to storm here tomorrow like crazy. The owners of the funeral home that I work for are huge dog lovers and have called to see how I am and they are being very loving about this horrible situation. For that I am grateful. God Bless Her and I hope she doesn’t feel the pain that Sheba did. Thanks again Jenny! My heart is just so heavy right now. You putting her on your website only gives her more prayers, so thank you my friend.

        Sue, Mike, Teka and Kya ( I can’t even imagine how Kya will deal with losing her big sister).

    • Rhonda says:

      This brings tears to my eyes, because I know how much hurt you are feeling knowing such news. So sorry to hear the results and we do feel your pain. It’s not a easy thing to go through knowing such news. It’s good she isn’t showing any signs from all she’s going through with having this diagnosis. Hopefully you will find good results in your research to help her get through this if any way possible. Stay positive and strong, Sue and know we are here for you. I will keep Teka in my prayers…

      • sue says:

        Thanks my friend Rhonda! Your words are true and beautiful! I really appreciate your friendship! I have such a big love for people and you are awesome sweety!! Thank you for your love and prayers!!


    • Stephanie says:

      I am so sad to hear the news. Let’s pray for a miracle.

      • sue says:

        Yes Stephanie! Please pray for a miracle. When the techs brought her to me today after her ultrasound they were tearing up! They have known her for 12 years and know that she is such a sweet dog!! My mom even said “Suzy she is just such a sweet loving dog” Grandma was crying too today with the results. It’s amazing that they have the same vets and doctors with some new ones that have known her and they compliment me and Mike for the great job that we did bringing her up. She just loves everyone, never got aggressive with anyone, never showed her teeth, She is just the perfect dog!! Thank you for your prayers!


  5. Josh says:

    Sue I’m so sorry to hear this! I know how important your Teka is to you! Like Becky said they are our kids! And our friends! I’m just now seeing this, but I will be praying for your Teka!

  6. sue says:

    Thank you Jenny, Becky, Rhonda, Stephanie and Joe. I never thought we would have to go through this again. 🙁 And Becky you’re right, they are our children!

    Thank you so very much for your prayers. And thanks again Jenny for doing this.


  7. Becky says:

    Oh Sue, I am so very sorry!!! I lost my dear little yorkie a few years back to a similiar illness. Animals ARE our kids!!! I am praying for you and for sweet Teka!

  8. Rhonda says:

    Oh no! This makes me sad with all you have went through in the last week or so. Jenny’s right. Don’t be sorry for expressing yourself. It helps to have support from friends in hard times like with Jess and now with Teka 🙁
    My heart goes out to you for having such a tough time with things so difficult to get through. Sending prayers your way for Teka to be okay…
    Take care and stay strong, Sue…

  9. Stephanie says:

    That’s so sad. I hope things turn out for Teka. We will pray for her.

  10. Joe says:

    So sorry to hear about Teka, I will be praying for her.

  11. Jenny says:

    Sue, don’t worry about expressing your sadness here. That’s what friends are for. I know these dogs are your life and I’m so sorry to hear this. Teka has my prayers.

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