Jul 01, 2013

Jenny Can Cook

I have a new website dedicated solely to my love of cooking.

All my future recipes and food-related posts can now be seen there.

For anyone who cooks or wants to cook healthier food, you’ll find lots of healthy printable recipes, food photos, and How-To videos.

Click here to visit “Jenny Can Cook!”

Filed Under: Cooking

11 Comments on “Jenny Can Cook”

  1. Sister Dearest says:

    Looks like my roadkill cookbook will finally get some recognition. When can I start sending you some of my favorites: procupine pate, pressed squirrel, coon under glass and my favorite: aromatic skunk! Yes!!!

    • Rhonda says:

      Oh dear…lol…that’s just so funny Sister Dearest 😆
      I would say Jenny might really like making the “pressed squirrel” most with extra pressing with her rolling pin that is…lol…you are hilarious 🙂

  2. Rhonda says:

    Yay Jenny and Damon! Another great idea you 2 😉 🙂
    Congrats on your new website. I love it. I surfed around on it last night and I find it pretty awesome. It only makes sense to have a site for just cooking because you are always doing it and you are going to run out of room on this site
    eventually…lol…j/k…but seriously, if you want fans to enjoy your recipes it’s a good idea making it easy for them to find them and what do you guys do? Make a cooking site. I’m glad you are still posting here too, Jenny. I love this blog as well 😀
    Oh and I think it’s great you have added a feature for your recipes to Twitter and Pinterest on your new website. Expanding is a good thing for your recipes to be noticed more 😉

  3. Joe says:

    I love your new site, I happened to see your post yesterday on Facebook and I had to go look, great job. I already printed two receipes. I’ve got to get one of your cookbooks.

  4. Jenny when will your new cook book be coming out…I can’t wait ..I have your other one and love it..

  5. Love your new recipes

  6. Josh says:

    Jenny congrats on the new website I’m sure you will have a lot of fun with it, sharing your love of food and your recipes. This year, my new years resolution was to get out of my comfort zone and experiment with making new foods. So far, once a week I have been making new things. It not only builds my internal recipe box, but it’s also so much fun.

    Good luck and I look forward to visiting your new site!

  7. Becky says:


    I’ll pass on the squirrel dishes, but SO glad you have a new website!! I’ll be tuning in to it often!!!

    Happy Wednesday, girly!! 🙂


  8. Kathy says:

    You know me I will follow you anywhere…but I won’t kiss your feet…just saying


    LOVE your new website….bonus pay for Damon!!

  9. Christine Johnson says:

    Can’t wait to check it out……thanks Jenny

  10. sue says:

    That’s awesome Jenny! And it just makes sense!! I will definitely be visiting it. Good going Damon!!


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