Apr 02, 2013

Baby on board

We’re having a baby! Every time we opened the front door we saw a hummingbird fly away from the vines over the porch. So we started looking closely and finally spotted this tiny nest (it’s only about 1 1/2-inches across). I had to know what was inside so I used a mirror and look! There’s an egg! We’re having another baby! The egg is only about 1/4-inch long. Last year there were two eggs in a different area that hatched and grew and now we get to see it again. This nest is only about a foot over our heads and centered right over where we walk, so every time the door opens, the mother will panic. These aren’t the smartest birds anyway. Who else would choose a diet of sugar water all day? Hey, maybe that’s why they can fly at 60 miles per hour!

Filed Under: General

3 Comments on “Baby on board”

  1. sue says:

    That’s great! Are your other children still on your property with those sugar and water feeders? That was such an amazing picture last year. I can’t imagine they would want to leave!
    BTW, ha ha!! I love your comment, “These arenโ€™t the smartest birds anyway. Who else would choose a diet of sugar water all day? Hey, maybe thatโ€™s why they can fly at 60 miles per hour!” ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

    Take Care,

  2. Rhonda says:

    lol…you had me confused there for a minute. Can we say optical illusion on this photo? It’s kinda tricky until you give details of it. It’s funny, I thought, “Now how did she get way up there to get a picture of these “2” nest. I still don’t know how you managed to get such a great photo of something so high up and so tiny. You’ve just got the touch I guess ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. Becky says:

    OMG so tiny!!!!!

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