Mar 11, 2011

Something New

I’ve decided it wasn’t fair that the only pictures on the blog are mine so we have a new way to send photos you’d like to share. Β When I say “we” that would be Damon who set it all up – I just had tea.

So… show us what you’ve got: pictures of your family, your dog, your cat, your ring-necked pheasant (!), your pretty face, your new shoes, or just “look what I did.” It should be fun! πŸ™‚

Just click the camera to get started…

Filed Under: General

5 Comments on “Something New”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Love it! Thanks guys!

  2. Nicole says:

    What a great idea, Jenny. I’m looking for some photos to send too! Thanks for keeping us entertained.

  3. Rhonda says:

    Jenny, I need to clean out my cellphone photos and camera photos to make room for new photos and what better timing. I’m ready to go through some photos and find some to share with you guys. This is going to be fun I do agree πŸ™‚
    I know you guys replied back to me on how to change my BB photo. I just haven’t found one I like yet. Maybe now I can find one I like for your BB section πŸ˜‰
    Wait! I have one online and it’s perfect. I will try to send it now. Give me a few minutes. I got to see how this works in sending the photos…

    • Tiffie says:

      I never got around to posting a photo because, I can’t seem to find one I like. I know the feeling, Rhonda. This should be a lot of fun, though! πŸ™‚ Jenny, I’m wondering how many times you’re going to continue flipping us your bird (photos!). Now we have the chance to retaliate, LOL~!

      Honestly; thank you for adding this feature! This is going to rock! πŸ˜€


      • Rhonda says:

        OMG! Tissue needed here πŸ˜†
        Tiffie, you really should try doing stand up. That was hilarious! πŸ˜†

        I have a photo up already but I don’t know how this is going to work now because the BB section is kinda gone or renamed, but I’m sure Jenny and damon think this will be better and it sounds like fun. Please post a photo. I would like to see who you are behind the humor πŸ™‚

        I just hope Jenny’s bird stays out of her apple tree. I read they like fruit, apples and pears, so Jenny don’t feed Baron fruit and maybe he’ll be smart enough to stay away from your apples πŸ™‚

        Oh and Jenny I really would like to send my spiderweb photo. I’ll leave that up to you. Can I send it? It’s really a cool photo πŸ™‚

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