What’s my memory worth?
Apparently, it’s worth less than a song on iTunes, less than a dented can at the grocery, even less than a box of hangers at a garage sale! Someone is selling a Jenny Jones T-shirt on eBay for 99 cents! And it looks like it’s hanging in a shower! Is that what my memory is worth? Should I set up a table outside the 99 Cent Store & sell my autograph, too? And here’s the worst part: Nobody wants it! Look at the Bid History: it’s ZERO! Can you even charge or write a check for 99 cents? It costs more to do the paperwork than that shirt is worth. Someone would get paid to log in this payment at the bank so that makes it a losing proposition, or it’s a push. Bottom line – my memory is worth zero; nada; zip, zilch; donut hole; jack; goose egg; bupkis! Oh well, my ego will survive. We probably tossed it into the audience one day and the person who caught it thought, “Wow, some day this will be worth something. Then I can sell it and retire.” The only thing retiring will be this ad on Monday. 🙂

No No No…Something is not valued by it’s price alone but by the lives it will touch in degree to it’s story. No Worries… I want it. I bid on it and I promise to wear it to a very special event in Pocatello, Idaho promoting Brooklyn’s Playground hopefully very soon :0) Jenny, as you know best…it’s all about making connections and telling the story. You are a master at this. Your one of the best people connectors ever and I will wear the shirt with great joy~ If I win it!
Any bidding war challengers out there?
Jenny we all adore and treasure you as you are.
And your priceless hon
HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your memory matters to all of us here who keep in touch with you. Don’t let stupid people and e-bay get you down. You are an amazing person with a wonderful heart. =) Thanks for being you.
I say what Kathy said, Ouch!…
But who knows, if it was offered in a better way instead of in someone bathroom shower maybe it would be more appealing. I’m a huge fan of yours and even if I wanted a JJ t-shirt I wouldn’t buy that one…
Don’t let it get you down, Jenny 🙂
Oh and Jenny just so you know. I’ve bought JJ merchandise from ebay before. Here’s a few things I’ve got from ebay. I almost lost a couple of these bid:
A back drop from one of your photo shoots. I wanted it to make pillows…
A black t-shirt with your name in white, which I still have…
A couple autographed photos…
And a copy of the People magazine when you went public about implants…
Oh I almost forgot, a JJ cookie jar. I fought hard for this one. I think I paid $20…
I totally agree, Joe!!!!! Here, here!!!! *WAVING HANDS HIGH IN THE AIR*!!!! 😀
OUCH!!! Cyber Hug!!
Of course it’s listed at only .99 Cents on ebay. The picture makes the shirt look dirty and worn and you are right, they have it hanging in a shower…gross. Who want’s to buy it after seeing it hanging in someones shower.
And your memory is worth more than that, trust me there are plenty of fans who would love to see you on the air again 🙂