May 08, 2011

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms and to my stepmom, Roula.

I didn’t send her flowers because the last time she was here, I had made some of my caramel corn.  She tried a bite and loved it but said she was too full and would have some later when we watched TV. But while we were watching TV, she fell asleep.  So Denis and I started snacking on it and before we knew it, it was all gone. (I’m telling you, you can’t stop eating it!). The next day, she was going back to Vegas and asked if she could take the caramel corn with her. I had to confess and she couldn’t believe we ate that much caramel corn, but we did. We laughed about it and I promised I would make it for her another time. So I made a batch of my delicious caramel corn with almonds and walnuts (her favorite) and fedexed it to her overnight so it was fresh for Mother’s Day. By the time I called yesterday morning to see if it arrived, she already ate about half! I’d say she liked her Mother’s Day present, but now I need to make more… for me.

Filed Under: Family, General

7 Comments on “Happy Mother’s Day”

  1. Grace says:

    To not love your mom, or not like her, for whatever reason, but to wish your step mom such a beautiful mothrer’s day .. she did not give you life, you biological mom did. Hard to understand. Did your mom beat you, starve you, abuse you in some way? I just don’t get get it… and I always liked you, and watched your show, not for the show content (that was pretty weird) most of the time, but because of you. When you introduced your step mom, and I remember, I was living in Florida, I could not believe it. Your mom must have have been a wicked woman, or so it seems since you do not even acknoledge her. Please forgive me for making these comments if your mother was so bad. I cannoet, for the life of me, understand how an individual, daughter, could be so cold.

  2. lesli says:

    Rhonda do you have any pets cause if so then you are so a mom 🙂 hUGS.

    • Rhonda says:

      Aw thank you Lesli…
      lol…you’re about the 5th one who has told me that. I had people telling me the same thing at work and yes I have 2 cats plus a stray I took in, so I have 3 indoor/outdoor cats. They love it outside. I like watching them play. They try and catch the squirrels, but the squirrels are to fast for them. I really don’t like squirrels. They are nothing but thieves and mess makers and very annoying…

  3. lesli says:

    Jenny (and my friends here) youll never guess what i am munching on as I sat down to read your blog, take a guess take a little guess? lol

    That sounds so yummy the way you made it.

    love the pictures, I planted my fave flower ever today the daisy flower. Seeds I hope to god they take. Hugs to all.

  4. Stephanie says:

    That was a great idea for her mom’s day present. I have to try that recipe!

  5. Rhonda says:

    I’m not a mom, but I to want to wish all you moms a Happy Mother’s Day and I have to comment on your picture, Jenny. That is one gorgeous rose, so colorful and I see veins in this one too, so this one takes the cake as my favorite. I love them all but the colors are just beautiful with this one…
    Your yard seems to be full of beauty. I can tell you enjoy it very much. From the pictures of your house you’ve shared, I give your yard a 10 🙂

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