Aug 25, 2011
Is nothing sacred??
Let’s just call it what it is.
Bird food. New name? Squirrel food.
You would think a birdhouse hanging on a single wire would keep out these mangy, rat-faced, no-good, low-life, beady-eyed, scum-sucking, bird food-stealing squirrels!
But noooooooooooooo! This was his little private playhouse… until I slammed together two metal pots and he went flying out the side like a frisbee on steroids. Next time: Mexican jalapeno corn nuts. “Adios, mi amigo. Usted no está bienvenido aqui.”
Goodbye, my flying fuzzy frisbee. Keep flying all the way to Mexico you “sarnoso, rata-encaró, maldito, de los bajos fondos, de ojos pequeños, verdín-chupando, el pájaro ardillas alimento-robando!”
mangy, rat-faced, no-good, low-life, beady-eyed, scum-sucking, bird food-stealing squirrels!
“sarnoso, rata-encaró, maldito, de los bajos fondos, de ojos pequeños, verdín-chupando, el pájaro ardillas alimento-robando!”
Thanks for the Spanish lesson Jenny!! 🙂 Too funny!
I have to admit, that squirrel looked really cute sitting in the bird feeder, It’s the type of picture that could use a good quote. 🙂
Well now they do have to eat too don’t they ?
Wow Jenny, these squirrels just won’t leave you alone 🙁
It’s a wonder that you haven’t gotten you a pellet or bebe gun or started throwing rocks at them to keep them away. It’s like once a month you have trouble with these varmints and when you mentioned pots…umm…nevermind. I don’t want to be ugly. Pellet and bebe gun is ugly enough…
Banging pots and furry frisbee…lol…hilarious 😆
lmao too funny!