Dec 01, 2011

Anyone wearing a hairpiece should stay home

I had to sleep with earplugs last night because the house sounded like it was going to break apart. We had unbelievable wind gusts overnight, up to 97 miles per hour in some places! I couldn’t tell if the banging noises were from the doors shaking or windows rattling, or trees slamming against the roof, but I wasn’t going outside to find out.  I hid under the covers, trying to remember this was not an earthquake, and trying to sleep. Finally, I had to use earplugs which I don’t like to do because then I can’t hear the monsters when they come out of the closet (I should get some therapy for that!). Anyway, I don’t think I’ve ever felt winds like that in my life, where the house feels like it’s moving. Trees came down all over town, onto houses, cars, and blocking a lot of roads. There’s more coming tonight, so anyone wearing a hairpiece should stay home.

Filed Under: Dear Diary, General

5 Comments on “Anyone wearing a hairpiece should stay home”

  1. sue says:

    I love your sense of humor 🙂 Your picture reminded me of October here in PA. We had a premature snow storm and trees were down everywhere because the leaves were still on them. People lost power for weeks! We only lost power for two days. (funny story, I had your lemon bars in the oven when the power went off, but there was still enough heat in my oven to finish them) THANK GOD!! 🙂 we love them.

    Anyway, monsters in the closet…could this have something to do with sister dearest locking you in the closet as a child? 🙂

    I’m also glad you’re OK.

  2. MrsNews says:

    It’s almost like living in the MidWest. I saw that on the news. It really looked scary. Glad you are okay. I will send Dorothy and Toto your way.


  3. marty says:

    That’s one of the reasons why I think living in the northeast is the safest place in the whole country. Sure you get nice weather year round but is it worth it ? We don’t worry about wind storms and earthquakes like you do . If you live in the mid west you worry about Tornadoes. If you live down south you worry about Huricanes. Up here a little cold weather a snowstorm now and then and we are good to go.So I ask you to have year round nice weather Do you really have it ? Is it really worth it? I don’t think so. God Bless the great state of New Jersey.

  4. Rhonda says:

    Scary I’m sure. As you know, I’m just as scared of high winds and I would have been panicky. With winds that strong I would’ve been sleeping under the bed…lol…
    I’m sorry it’s hard for you to sleep wondering if a monster is in the closet. Try thinking of little monsters like the movie. Those monsters were hilarious, but seriously Jenny maybe therapy would help you overcome your fear at night…
    Take care and stay safe. Hunker down tight and stay away from glass windows and doors during your storms…

  5. Roll Dog says:

    That vehicle is messed up.

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