Aug 16, 2013

A Prisoner in Paradise

Have you seen the pictures I posted of my beautiful home? It’s paradise. The day I saw it for the first time, seven years ago, I knew in less than five minutes that this was my dream home. It has the most beautiful backyard and beyond it is a huge hill that wraps around the yard. For someone like me who enjoys nature and the outdoors, it’s truly a dream place to live.

I remember the first time I saw a deer on the back hill, of course I grabbed my camera and have been taking deer pictures ever since. And when I saw my first coyote, I was a little anxious but still excited. Then came the bobcat…. okay, I kept my distance.

The first time I saw a rattlesnake, it was a shock but I knew they existed in Southern California. I just didn’t expect to see them every year.  They come out in the morning to warm up on concrete or stone and we have a stone walkway so I stay away in the morning hours. Now this year, the skunks showed up. Yes, that’s plural. A family of skunks has been coming around, in fact last night I was outside after dinner and a skunk walked right past me! If my back had been turned I might not have seen him and could have walked right into him. And then what?

So I avoid going outside in the mornings for snakes, and in the early evening for skunks.  But I do have a window of freedom from late morning into the afternoon (the hottest part of the day). Beyond that I’m a prisoner in paradise.

Here’s what the gardener found this week…

The truth is, I would still choose this house again. I just need to get some tall boots… and maybe a skunk suit so I can blend…

Filed Under: My Backyard

4 Comments on “A Prisoner in Paradise”

  1. Sue says:

    Oh dear God JJ!! Better you than me. I would freak if that guy was on my property. PA doesn’t have those big guys running wild on our properties, garter snakes is all we see up here. And we live on three acres of woods. Lately the biggest thing I see that drives the pups crazy are frogs!! No big deal!! Make sure that guy doesn’t get in your house!!!! 😉

    Take care!

  2. Rhonda says:

    Let’s not forget about the alligator lizard you almost stepped on. It was right at your feet. Which those are harm less but still. Your yard is a interesting place. You never know what’s out there, but that’s just the nature of where you are. I’m glad you share your experiences of nature with us. Some are beautiful and some can be scary like with the snake here, but either way, I enjoy your blogs here…

    I’ve seen your pictures of your home and it is a beautiful home and the backyard photos are my favorite. I know I keep saying I love your white picket fence but that just sets the mood for relaxing back there I’m sure. I’m glad you are as caution as you seem to be when outdoors around snakes and things. I don’t see how you do it. Strong willed I guess and that’s why I find you to be so awesome…

    Besides watching out for wild animals I’m sure you enjoy it everyday. It sucks you can’t enjoy it as much as you probably would like but hey at least you can enjoy it in between those hours of the day. It would really be bad if you could never go outside being that you love nature and the outdoors…

    I’m glad you found a place to retire and enjoy your life and just be happy 😀
    And to comment on the photo here. My motto for you is to “Be careful and look before you step”…which I’m sure you do 🙂

  3. Becky says:

    *Shivvers* !!!!!

  4. Mohammad says:

    Nature is precious, but it has its own rules.

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